Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Happy Easter!

The film school sits in the still darkness. Dewey and Gale move down a dark and shadowed hallway as they hear a thump. They stop cold. "Shh! What was that?" Gale whispers.

"Let's find out." Dewey keeps moving.

"This is all too familiar."

"Over here."

Dewey leads her to a door marked 'Lecture Hall.'

It's a large, rounded room with three levels of seats that shoot straight up to the ceiling. A podium stands centre. Video monitors hang from the ceiling in different places around the room. 

Dewey and Gale reluctantly enter. The only light illuminating the room is a red exit sign that hangs over the exit doors. They move down the first level of chairs to the lectern.

"Maybe they never got here," Gale says, "he could have taken her anywhere."

"C'mon, let's go."

A noise from above catches their attention. They look up as a video monitor comes to life and images appear. Home-made video footage fills the screen. A move theatre, people standing in the line. The home camera zooms onto a young couple: Maureen and Phil.

Gale watches the screen as Dewey looks around the room, searching for it's source.

Suddenly, another monitor comes to life. The camera zooms on the Chi Omega Sorority House. A young girl stands on the front porch talking on a portable phone. It's Cici.

"Jesus Christ!" Gale exclaims, wide-eyed.

"He filmed his victims."

Another monitor turns on and this time it reveals Randy. He stands outside the newsvan with the cellular phone to his ear. Y/N stands next to him with a worried expression on her face.

And with another click, another monitor turns on. It's of a man and woman with their backs to the camera. The couple move in frame. It becomes apparent quick that it's Dewey and Gale. They soon realise they're being taped.


Dewey spins around abruptly. He reaches for the gun he no longer carries.


He looks around the room, up to the two levels above them. He spots a small light on the second level. He squints his eyes and sees a figure standing behind it.

"Let's go, Dewey!"

"No, wait here."

Dewey hands her his flashlight and takes off for the stair rise that leads to the upper level.

"No, Dewey, let's call for backup!"

But Dewey is gone, leaving Gale alone. She turns to the monitor to see her face in fear-stricken closeup. 

Dewey moves fast on upper level, limping his way to the level's edge. He approaches the railing and makes his way around to the shining light. He reaches for it, finding nothing but a camera and a tripod. It sits alone against the railing. Dewey surveys the second level. There's empty seats everywhere. Completely bare and empty.

Dewey looks down to the main floor to Gale, who looks up at him. "Dewey?"

"There's nothing. I'm coming down."

Dewey turns to leave, his eye catching a monitor that hangs level with the railing. On the monitor, Gale is in frame, looking up at Dewey, her face stained. She takes a step forward, moving out of frame, revealing Ghostface, who stands right behind her. Dewey looks down to see Ghostface who stands directly behind Gale. "Watch out!"

Gale turns just in time to see the gleam of the killer's knife as it darts out of the darkness. Gale catapults, just dodging it. She moves like lightening up the aisle of seats.

Dewey races for the stairs, going as fast as his handicapped leg will allow. Gale tears out of the exit door, Ghostface right behind her. 

Dewey arrives, searching for Gale. "Gale!" He eyes the exit door as it slowly closes. He moves to it.

Gale races down the hallway, eyeing the nearest door. She tears it open, disappearing into darkness. She finds herself in the student studios. She stands in a huge control booth that overlooks a dubbing stage. There's lots of glass walls and doors which resembles a high quality maze.

Gale moves out a side door and into the dubbing room. Gale stops for a second, listening as the  main door creaks open. And then footsteps are heard, making their way towards her.

Gale proceeds deeper into the studio. She moves into a sound proof room and closes the door, not seeing Ghostface who stands behind her. She turns around and screams loudly. She starts out, but then realises he standing in the control booth. She's protected by a clear, large, plexiglass window that wraps around the room. Ghostface moves out the side door, heading her way. 

He disappears out of view. Gale freaks and races to the door, trying to secure it but there's no lock.

Meanwhile, Dewey slips through quietly, trying his best to be quick on his toes. Through the control booth window, he immediately spots Gale.

Gale looks for objects to block the door with. She drags a shelf of sound equipment towards the door. As she does this, Dewey moves to the window. "Gale! Gale!"

She doesn't hear him. He beats against the window but she still doesn't hear. She shoves everything she can find against the door, not seeing or hearing Dewey's as he pounds against the sound proof barrier behind her.

She also does't see the killer that appears behind Dewey. He moves on Dewey swiftly and focused.

Gale can't take her eyes off the door. Her face is terrified. If only she'd turn around, she would see Dewey - his face terror stricken as a knife is hurled into him repeatedly. With each thrust, blood is splattered against the glass.

Dewey screams for his life, caught completely off guard. He falls forward onto the control panels. Suddenly, microphone feedback tears through the studios as Dewey cries are heard throughout the stage. His death scream rips through the room. 

Gale turns to the window to see Dewey, his face smashed against it, blood smeared across the glass. She moves to the window, her face only inches from his. Dewey's life is near gone. Gale beats against the window. "NOOO!"

Dewey's body slides down and out of view. Gale is mortified. She looks to Ghostface who has already made his way through the control booth. She races to the door, throwing things away.

She manages to pull the door open just enough for her to slide through. She slides through and runs. She finds a door and plows through it, stopping only long enough to lock it.

Ghostface rams it from the other side but it holds. Gale surveys her surroundings. She realises she's in a storage room before she eyes another door. She moves through it and out into the hallway. She shoots down it, not looking back, 

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