Chapter Six

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It's sorority night and a small street is silent that dead-ends in a cul de sac. Large old homes populate it. Greek signs adorn the place. In a  huge living room, divided sensibly in several sections, a girl lies on the couch watching television. Her name is Cici, a pretty girl with a lively energy. She channel surfs while talking on the phone. "No, they broke up again. Bailey won't stop drinking and Sarah can't take it anymore."

"Thought he was doing AA," the girl says from the phone. 

"No, he quit - the whole God thing - he has issues. The previews for next week..."

Suddenly, a call bleeps through. "Hold on, someone's calling." She clicks other and speaks. "Chi Omega House."

"Hello," the deep and alluring voice says. 


"Who is this?"

"Cici. Who's this?"

"Someone who wants to talk to you."

"Ted? Where are you? Are you drinking? Hold on." She clicks back to the other line. "Teddy's on the other line. He sounds drunk. I'll call you back."

"That's shit. He only calls you when he's drunk. Don't go over there," the girl on the other line says sharply.

"I won't."

"Don't. Think Bailey."

"Alright, alright... I'll call you back." She hangs up and goes back to the other line. 

"Okay, Ted, you sound loaded. What's up?"

"Who's Ted?"

Cici realises that the man isn't a drunken Ted. "Oh, I'm sorry. My bad. I thought you were someone else."

"That's okay."

"Who do you want to speak with? Nobody's here."

"Where is everybody?" he asks. Venom is in his voice but Cici doesn't notice. 

"We're co-sponsoring the Acid Rain mixer at the Sig Ep. house tonight."

"Why aren't you there?"

"I'm designated driver. I have to be here in case a sister calls and needs a ride."

"That's too bad."

"'Drink with your brain.' That's our motto. Who are you calling for?"

"What if I said you?" the man asks sharply. "What if I said goodbye?" Cici asks, rather sassy. 

"Why would you wanna do that?" He's tormenting her but she doesn't notice. 

"Why do you always answer a question with a question?"

"I'm inquisitive."

"And I'm impatient," she retorts. "Look, do you wanna leave a message for someone?"

Then, there's silence. No response. The only audible sound is the chirps of crickets outside and owls hooting. "Hello? Hello? Where'd you go?" There's silence again. Then, the voice speaks up.

"Do you wanna die tonight, Cici?"

His voice is almost a whisper. His voice pierces Cici. Her eyes widen. Suddenly, a call clicks through. "J-just a second." She clicks over.


Cici gets up and moves to the foyer. She checks the front door, making sure it's locked. "Was it Teddy?" her friend asks.

"No, some creep asshole trying to scare me."

"It's Hell Week. Chill. The movie murders have brought out crazies. It's nothing." Suddenly, a loud thud comes from upstairs. Cici spins around to the staircase. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now