Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: Short chapter!

You slept in your hospital room peacefully. Tubes and wires were connected to your arms and under your nose. The only sounds audible was the buzzing of the fluorescent lights in the ceiling, the faint drips of transfusion and the occasional sounds from the nurses outside. 

You woke up slowly. Your vision became clear and your body felt stiff. Your gaze swivelled across the room until you spot Sidney, sitting on a chair next to you, holding your hand with a tight grip. "Y/N, you're awake," she says. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like shit. My stomach hurts, I'm exhausted and my head is pounding."

"I'm not surprised. You've just woken up from coma." She squeezes your hand tight. 

"What? How long was I out for?"

"Two days."

"Two fucking days?" you exclaim. "What about Gale and Dewey? Are they alive? And Billy and Stu?"

"Calm down, Y/N. They're all okay," she says, closing her eyes momentarily.

"I need to see them!" You sit up and you wince. You lie back down, defeated.

"Don't move. You need rest."

"What happened to them? Are they all okay?"

Sidney takes a deep breath before explaining. "Gale is alright. She's been stitiched up. Dewey is good but he's in bad condition. The nurses say he'll have an even worse limp than before but he's alive. He's okay."

"Thank God!" you exclaim, relieved.

"B-Billy and Stu are f-fine. They're out in the waiting room. Billy beat up Cotton pretty badly." Sidney takes another deep breath. In a sudden moment, her expression turns angry. "Y/N, why the fuck are they alive? You said they were dead. You stabbed them numerously. They killed Tatum and Billy killed my mother."

"Sid, please. I've just woken up. I don't need all of this."

"I want an explanation, Y/N. Now."

You sigh. You had a lot of explaining to do. You even need to explain to Gale and Dewey at some point. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now