Chapter Eighteen

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You sit in the backseat of a squad car as it makes it's way down the quiet campus street. The two police officers ride in front. "Where are you taking me?" you ask worriedly. What if Billy and Stu come back and I'm not there? 

"Actually, I don't know," the first police officer says.

"We're meeting another car that will transport you the rest of the way," the second police officer says.

"Safety precautions."

"I feel like Eddie Murphy," you say, wiping perspiration from your forehead. The car comes to a halt in front of a traffic light. 

"And we feel like Kevin Costner."

You smile at this just as the car door rips open on the passengers side. Two hands reach in and yank the police guard from the car. He starts to cry out but it's cut short. You scream as the police guard behind the wheel struggles with his seat belt. He looks up to see Ghostface move around the side of the car towards his door. He reaches for his gun but he's too late. Ghostface has the door open.

There's a flash of silver and the police guard's throat is slit open. Blood oozes out. You scream and scream, beating on the door of the car. It won't open no matter how you tried.

Ghostface pulls the police guard from the car, then gets in, behind the driver's seat. Ghostface ignites the car and drives off down the road. 

You look behind you as the guard's dead bodies lay sprawled in the middle of the road. You turn to the door, beating and clawing it. You lean back, manic, and you kick at the window with your feet. It doesn't break.

You're beyond frantic as Ghostface drives down the deserted street. You eye him through the gate. You turn and twist looking for an escape. Through the window, you see approaching headlights. You scream through the closed window as a car passes by. You take notice as the car turns onto another campus street. Big, stone school buildings line each side of a thin road.

You eye Ghostface through the rearview window. He turns as hidden eyes bore through you. Ghostface hits the gas, picking up the speed.

You look to the book bag on the seat beside you. You rip it open, rustling through it frantically. You pull out books, pencils and paper until you pull out a long, yellow pencil. You grip it hard, looking to the metal grate just behind the driver's seat. Ghostface's neck is right against it.

You take the pencil and position it right behind Ghostface's head, ready to attack.

Without hesitation, you ram the pencil through the grate, right into Ghostface's neck. It lodges there as he falls forward in pain, losing control of the wheel for a moment.

The car jumps the curb and slams against a building. Ghostface yanks the wheel, over correcting. He tries to bring it back to the road but doesn't see the lamp post that stands directly in the car's path. 

The squad cars makes direct contact with the lamp post, slamming into it, bringing the car to a crashing and abrupt halt, lodging it against the building's stone exterior. Smoke rises from the bashed engine as it emits a fatal rumbling. "Fuck!" 

In the backseat, you rise from the floorboards. You look up to see Ghostface slumped over the steering wheel, completely unconscious. 

You pull yourself together, looking around, sizing up your options. You tug on the door handle but it doesn't budge. You look to the passenger's side of the car. It's flush against a building. 

Then you notice the metal grate. The edge has been pried apart in the crash. You reach for it, pulling on it, bending it backwards. It creaks. 

You try to stifle to noise it makes, all the while eyeing Ghostface who remains knocked out cold. You create an opening large enough for you to crawl enough. You lift yourself up and you pull yourself through to the front seat.

You fall down into the seat, your eyes not leaving Ghostface. You lay crumpled up against the smashed passenger's door. The only sound is your frightened, heavy breathing. Ghostface still doesn't move so you contemplate your next move.

The only way out is through the driver's door.

You slowly reach over and nudge Ghostface with your foot. There's no movement. 

You slide across the seat towards Ghostface, moving to his side. You reach with your hand and push on his shoulder. His body moves, slumping back against the back of the seat. It clears enough space for you to get through.

You sit up on your feet, facing Ghostface. With your leg, you reach over him, straddling him. You lean against the steering wheel, your arm quickly reaching for the doorknob. Your back brushes against the steering wheel and it honks loudly. "Shit!"

You tense, your face a little more than a foot from the ghost mask. He doesn't move. He's still out cold. You push the car door open and start to slide completely over Ghostface when you stop. You look at him.

With a fierce determination, you reach for the ghost mask. You find the edge and begin to peel the mask away when he comes to life, lunging forward. You scream, leaping out the car and falling out the car door. 

You hit the pavement hard. You lift yourself up when your entire body is yanked violently backwards.

Ghostface has hold of your foot, pulling you back into the car. You kick and writhe until you finally break free. You hop to your feet as Ghostface emerges from the car. You slam the car door shut. It catches Ghostface, knocking him backwards.

You tear off down the street, running as fast as you can, burning up the pavement.

A/N: Last chapter for today!

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