Chapter Twenty

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You race down the deserted street. There's not a soul in sight. You reach a corner, moving off the road and passing through a series of trees and shrubs, coming out onto sorority row. The Delta Zeta house stare at you. Light's burn from within. You go for it.

You make your way up the front porch. You pound on the front door, screaming your lungs out. "SOMEBODY PLEASE OPEN UP! SOMEBODY!"

You move along the wraparound porch, beating at the windows. Everybody is off partying. Suddenly, you hear something, a kind of whimpering. You turn to find Lois and Murphy, laying, strewn across the end of the porch, passed out. You run to them instantaneously.

"Oh God, help me! We have to call the police!"

You kneel over Murphy, shaking her. Murphy's eyes open and she giggles. She's completely wasted. Se has no comprehension skills at all. "Murphy, do you have keys? I need to get inside."

You look over to Lois who is also in bad shape.


You contemplate, not knowing what to do. You leave them, moving down off the porch and around to the back of the house. You get to the back door and try to open it but it's locked.

You check out the yard, surveying it. Off to the side, you spot a big tree with a body, lying next to it in a heap on the ground. You hesitantly move toward it. As you approach, you notice it's Mickey. He lays on his side, curled, knees to his chest, his arm still chained to a tree.

"Mickey? Mickey?"

A look of dread creeps across your face. He lays there, unmoving.

"Oh God, no, Mickey..."

You kneel over his body just as he stirs, lifting up, rising. Mickey's face comes into view, coated in dry funk, his eyes wide. "Y/N? Jesus, where's Hallie? I've been here all night."

Your face goes stern, serious. "Listen to me. We've got to get help. The killer's here."

"What are you talking about me?"

"He's after me, Mickey."

Mickey pulls on his chained arm. "Shit! You've got to cut me down, Y/N."

You inspect the chain carefully. "I'll be right back."

"Where you going?"

You move to the shed that's attached to the garage. Leaning against the side are a bunch of garden tools. You inspect them before picking up a shovel. You return to Mickey who has risen to his feet. He pulls and twists the bike chain that binds him.

"Watch out."

You lift up the shovel and bring it down directly on the lock. It bends somewhat but stays in tact. 

"Do it again," Mickey groans. As you lift it up to bring it down, you hear a noise. You and Mickey spin around, peering into the night. "What was that?" he asks.

"Don't panic."

Determined, you raise the shovel high and bring it down with great force. It cracks the lock, loosening it. Mickey pulls on it but it won't give.

"Watch out," you warn, before raising the shovel again, unfaltered. You don't see the Ghost Masked figure that slides down from a tree branch behind you. Ghostface moves quickly and gracefully, coming to a stance behind you. 

Mickey looks up just in time. "Y/N, WATCH OUT!"

You turn just as Ghostface strikes. He stabs you in the shoulder violently. Blood oozes out and you scream in agonising pain. Without thought, you swing the shovel at Ghostface, catching him mid-section, sending him flying. 

Mickey goes ballistic, still chained to the tree. He pulls, twists and squirms, trying desperately to break free. 

Ghostface rises, moving on Mickey. 


You distract Ghostface away from Mickey. You take off, Ghostface following you. You move around the tree, sprinting across the yard, running smack into the second Ghostface killer. 

You spin around as the two of them appear on each side of you. You stand thunderstruck as the two killer's descend on you. You dive between the two but they react, keeping you surrounded. You watch as one of the Ghost's withdraws his knife. You turn to the other and his knife is already poised. They close in on you, ready to strike.

You look for an escape but you're completely trapped. Surrounded.

Suddenly, Mickey appears, barrelling into one of the Ghost's. They go sprawling across the grass. "Run, Y/N.."

You make your break. You run pass them, towards the front yard. Mickey leaps to his feet, the killer right behind him. He now finds himself in your predicament. The two killer's close in on him.

You get to the corner of the house but you then stop. You don't want to leave Mickey, he's like a second Randy and you couldn't bare losing him too. You turn back around just in time to see Mickey sandwiched in between the Ghostface's. Their knives strike at the same time. One through the stomach, and the other through the back. They withdraw their knives. Mickey's body suspends, momentarily hanging in the air. Then he collapses to a heap on the ground. Dead.

You scream loudly and tears stream down your cheeks. Both of the Ghostface's turn to you at the same time. You take off running, along the side of the house, through a row of shrub that takes you to a street.

You're on the back of Campus Street, running down the middle of it. You spot a car stopped at a red light half a block up. Kids are inside, rock music blares. You scream and scream but they don't hear you. You run, your feet pounding, toward them but the light turns green and they take off, it's taillights fading in the cold night. 

You turn, finding yourself alone in a parking lot. The theatre sits in the distance. You spot someone entering the theatre. It looks like Hallie.

"Hallie?" you shout.

Hallie doesn't hear you and she disappears inside. Just as you step forward, two voices call you from behind: Billy and Stu.



You spin around to see Billy and Stu running towards you, bags on their backs. You run to them and leap into Billy's arms, hugging him tight. "We heard you scream. Are you okay?

You nod slightly. "I-I'm fine, Billy. We need to go! We need to go to the theatre!"

"Why there?" Stu asks. 

"One of my friend's just entered. Maybe she can help," you say. Before they can reply, you run towards the theatre. Billy and Stu exchange looks before dropping their bags on the floor and running after you.


Gale races down the empty campus street. She eyes an emergency phone that's attached to a street lamp. She goes for it instantly. She rips the phone from it's cradle and dials 911.

"911, what's your emergency?

"Someone's trying to kill me. I need the police."

"Are you in danger now?"

"Yes, goddammit!" Gale shouts exasperatedly. 

"Where is your attacker?"

"I don't know."

"Stay under the safety light. Help is on it's way."

"The safety what? Fuck that!"

Just then, Gale hears a noise: a door opening. She looks up to see Y/N disappear through the side door. Shortly after, she sees two other indistinguishable figures chase after her. Gale can't quite see them. "Y/N!" she shouts.

Gale yells into the phone. "Fuckin' hurry!"

Gale throws the phone down and heads off for Y/N, trailing behind the two other figures. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now