Chapter Seventeen

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You finish washing your hands quickly in the toilet before leaving. The hall is completely deserted and quiet. You exit the bathroom and you see a tall, lanky figure standing outside the men's bathroom. He appears to be waiting for someone. You can't see his face properly so you call out. "Hello?" He turns around to face you and his expression goes blank. It's Stu. "Y/N?" 

Your eyes widen and tears pick at your eyes. You feel your whole body go stiff. Your rooted to your place. Your stomach twists. "S-Stu? Is that really you?"

"Yes, it's me!" Stu exclaims. He scoops you up in his arms and hugs you tightly. Tears stream down your cheeks. 

"I-it's really you!" you cry. He lets you go and ruffles your hair. He lets out a chuckle just as Billy walks out of the bathroom. Billy stares at you wide-eyed. His expression is shocked and amazed.

You stare at him with wide eyes too. Goosebumps go up your arms and the back of your neck. You can almost hear your heart beating quickly. 

You run over to him and leap into his arms. The smell of cologne flares your nostrils. He hugs you tightly as tears run down your cheeks profusely. He plants kisses on you cheek, forehead and your lips. "Y-you came back!" you squeal.

"Of course I did. It was killing me when you weren't there."

The next thing you knew, you were crying with happiness and also sadness. Memories fill your head. Memories of you and the gang. Memories of you and Billy. 

"I missed you, Billy. I really did."

"I missed you too."

"Typical time to come back though," Stu says, "in the hands of a copycat killer. He's killed loads."

Your face drains of colour as images of Randy fill your head. You missed him dearly. "I miss him.."

"Who?" Stu asks.

"R-Randy. He's gone now.."

You break down in tears as Billy hugs you tightly, caressing the back of your head.

"Shh.. shh. It's okay. Just remember that he wouldn't want to see you upset. It'd kill him to see you like this." He wipes the tears from your cheeks. "You gotta stay positive. Positive for him."

You nod you head slightly. You needed to stay happy for Randy. It was the least you could do.

"Are you gonna be okay if me and Stu quickly go back to our cabin in the woods? We've got to grab a few things."

"What cabin?" you ask.

"A cabin we've been staying in for these past two years," Stu answers, "we'll tell you all about it when this killer is dead."

After a few minutes of talking and hugs and kisses, Billy and Stun returned to their cabin to grab a few things. You hoped they would come back. 


Derek's dorm room is dark. There's a slight disturbance at the door and it comes popping open. Light from the hall floods in as Dewey and Gale slip in and close the door behind them.

"You broke the lock," Gale says.

"You broke my heart," Dewey replies.

"What are we looking for?"

"A bloody knife. A ghost mask. Something like that?"

"Can we at least turn the light on?" Gale asks.

"That's not the way it's done."

Dewey pulls out his flashlight and begins to search the room. He sifts through drawers and the closet. "And it's sexier in the dark."

"Dewey, you and I would never make it."

"Maybe not. But think about the sex. As frustrated as I am.."

".. and as lonely as I am.."

"We'd break some furniture."

Gale laughs at this. She reaches over and pats his buttock.

"Tell you what. We get through this one and we'll take out a hotel room. Over here with the light."

Dewey points the light to a framed picture. It's of Joel and Derek - a buddy pose. Gale sifts through textbooks on the desk. "They're roommates."

"And Joel's pre-med."

"The sorority girl was gutted with autopsy precision."

"Shit! It's both of them. The first murder were to throw us - using the same names as Woodsboro. But they've moved on - they're getting closer to Y/N. They're not looking for a Himbry or a Tatum to kill. They're looking for the new Tatum."

"But wasn't Randy the new Tatum? He was Y/N's best friend, aside from Tatum."

"No, because he isn't new. It's Hallie. They're looking for Hallie."

There's a silent moment before they dash out of there. 

A/N: I know the reunion wasn't the best but it's the least I could do. Let me know how it was!

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now