Chapter Sixteen

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You do your homework while Hallie channel surfs. Your Microbiology teacher handed you a substantial amount of homework. Sidney sits next to you, watching Hallie channel surf. Genevieve was at her boyfriend's dorm but she allowed you to invite Sidney and Hallie. Hallie finds a channel ans she clicks it. On screen, Siskel and Ebert are reviewing a movie. 

"We're missing the Sig Ep party," Hallie complains.

"No, Hallie, not tonight. Parties and mass murderers don't go together. Trust me," Sidney says. You instantly remember Randy saying those similar words. It was at Stu's party two years ago when Randy explained three important rules to everyone; no sex, no drugs and drinking and never say you'll be right back. 

You wiped a tear from your eye. 

"No, no, I wasn't planning on going, it's just Mickey will be pissed." 

You could tell she clearly wanted to go but she stayed back to look after you.

On the TV, Siskel and Ebert are reviewing Stab. Hallie switches channels instantly as she noticed you were getting uneasy. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it," you volunteer. You ditch your homework and you answer the door.

It's Dewey and Gale. They hold a serious expression on their faces.

"Someone else has been killed," Sidney whispers.


In the backyard at the Delta Zeta house, gobs of gooey food goes flying through the air exploding perfectly all over Mickey who stands buck naked, tied and chained to a tree. The yard is crowded with frat boys and sorority girls who delight in torturing him. Mounds of syrup, eggs, and other wet slimy food is plunged upon him. 

"Who do you love?" a fraternity jock asks.


"Did you say 'My TKE Brothers'?"

"No, I said Hallie."

More food and slime come barrelling at him. A drunk Lois and Murphy pull the police tape down from the previous night's crime scene and begin to Mayflower him. The crowd goes berserk.


Hallie consoles Sidney. Dewey and Gale are nearby, consoling you. You're a stone rock. You try and hold it together. Tears stream down Sidney's face. Dewey and Gale had just told Sidney and Hallie the news of Randy's death. "I'm fine. I wish people would stop treating me like glass. I'm not gonna break," you snap.

"It's okay to break, Y/N. You shatter if you have too. Randy was your best friend. Even though I didn't know him, he seemed like a jolly guy," Hallie says.

Sidney was to in shock to speak.

"I'd really just like to be alone, guys." All you wanted was to be alone. You couldn't bare to face anyone.

"The police are waiting outside. They're going to take you somewhere safe," Dewey says.

"Dewey, there's no such place. What place is safe anymore? Wherever I go, something bad happens."

"Humour me, Y/N."

You ignore him and start packing an overnight bag. You wipe the tears that come down your cheeks as you pack. "Can we come with you?" Sidney asks, wiping tears from her eyes.

"No, Sid, I'm not gonna take you down too. I'll be alright."

"Y/N, I'll come with you," Gale says.

"But who would operate your camera, Gale? Randy is gone!" you snap unexpectedly. Gale goes silent and tears pour down your cheeks.

There's another knock at the door. Dewey opens it to find a police guard standing with Joel. Dewey gives you a look.

"He's allowed in, Dewey."

Joel is ushered in. He greets everyone, moving to Hallie. Gale and Dewey move out into the hall with the guards. You continue to pack, your face rigid.

"They got Mickey. He's being toasted at the Delta's," Joel says.

"Shit! I knew it. I gotta get over there!" Hallie exclaims.

"We're under quarantine." He points to Dewey who talks to Dewey in the hallway. 

"I'm the only one who can cut him down."

"It's not a good idea, Hallie," Sidney says.

"I'll go with her!" Joel says.

"Be safe, Y/N."

Hallie, Joel and Sidney give you a hug before you can object, then they race out into the hallway as Dewey sticks his head in. "Y/N, you should get going."

You nod you head and continue packing your things. You can hear the distinct voices of Hallie, Sidney and Joel making objections to Dewey and Gale. You can hear them race out of there quickly. Dewey turns to Gale and speaks a little bit too loudly.

"If you were truly a copycat, wouldn't you want to emulate everything about the killer you could?" Gale asks.


"He's already gotta be a part of Y/N's and Sid's lives. What do you know about this Derek?"

"Solid alibis. He was with them both when they were attacked."

"Billy Loomis had alibis too."

Dewey turns to you. You stand in the doorway ready. "Hey, I got stuff to do, Y/N. But I'll find you later, okay?"


Your exterior keeps hardening. 


Mickey is still tied to the tree. He's completely covered in hardened goop. He stands shivering in the cold. The rest of the crowd went back to the party. He checks the chain that holds him secure. It's composed of several bike locks and steel twine. 

"Come on, Hallie, baby..." he whispers."

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