Chapter Twenty-One

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The theatre is big and old. Plush chairs, balconies, a huge proscenium stage. You enter through a side house door. You pull on it, releasing the emergency lock. You make your way down the aisle toward the orchestra selection. Billy and Stu run in after you, frantically looking around. 

"Y/N!" Stu whispers.

"Shh! Someone's here," you whisper back.

The stage is dark and bare with exceptions of the furniture from the Deathtrap set. Suddenly, there's a noise which startles you and it makes Billy and Stu jump. "Hello?" Billy calls out. 

"Hallie? Are you in here?" you shout. 

You move down the front to the little bridge that extends out over the orchestra pit. You cross it and move to the stage centre, peering into the wings on either side of you. Billy and Stu slowly slither next to you. There's complete darkness. 

You grab hold of Billy's hand and squeeze it tight. Something drips down from above and onto you. You wipe it from your face when a spot light turns on from the back of the house, illuminating you and the boys centre stage. You jump, unnerved. You look to your hand and it's covered in something crimson. "B-Billy... S-Stu... look," you whisper. They look to your hand and see a dark, crimson red. 


You then look at the house, the light blinding your eyes. Abruptly, there's a noise above. It's the sound or ropes and pulleys moving. You look up as a set wall comes crashing down at you. You, Billy and Stu leap out of the way, falling onto the floor. You clutch your bleeding shoulder, your stab wound pouring out hot blood. Stu clutches his nose which appears to be bleeding and Billy appears unscathed.

The wall falls into place on the stage. It is the back wall of the set that's dressed with framed pictures and antique weapons and Dewey, who hangs from it, pinned up against the wall, very much dead, arms outstretched, crucified. His body is a bloody mess.

 You stop moving, stunned. You stand frozen in unspeakable horror. You can feel Billy holding your hand tight and you can feel your heart shattering into unimaginable pieces. You break into tears and sob quietly. Stu puts a hand on your shoulder and Billy hugs you slightly. "Shh.. shh.. it's gonna be okay, Y/N," Billy whispers in your ear.

But suddenly, you back up, moving, racing toward the wings when another wall flies in, sealing the backstage off, trapping you. You look in shock at Hallie, who is strung up, her body hanging lifeless. You scream, running to the other side of the stage when a third wall comes flying in, creating the three walled set of Deathtrap.

Attached to it is the body of Joel. Dead. Blood everywhere. "No!" you scream. Billy and Stu run to your side, holding you steady. Your head burns and your blood boils. You feel like you're going to faint but it's Billy and Stu holding you steady.

It's gonna be okay, Y/N. You can do this. You can survive. I believe in you.

Randy's voice fills your head and you feel an instant relief.

 Then, you hear clapping. A single pair of hands come from somewhere in the house, applauding. You turn around and spot a figure moving down the aisle. You can't make out who it is. 

"Who is that?" Stu asks.

You bolt. You spot the set door up centre, near Dewey's body. You go for it, ripping it open to find Cotton Weary standing in the doorframe. You scream but then you see his face, he looks scared. Cotton's body falls forward to the floor, his arms and legs bound by electric tape. 

You turn back to the front of the stage. The figure is now walking across the bridge, holding something, a light attached to a video camera. You realise that you and the boys are being filmed. You look back to Cotton who looks up to you with pleading eyes. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now