Chapter Eleven

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At campus security station, Gale and Dewey are with Captain Tyler and Sheriff Evans. "If he calls again - find help. Don't engage him in conversation. I'm gonna put a man on you - to cover you," Captain Tyler says.

"I can do it, Captain," Dewey replies.

"Thanks, Dewey, but I was thinking I'd pull Jesse off.."

"I'd prefer Dewey, Captain," Gale says, intertwining her fingers. Tyler does't argue. He's too crazed. Dewey avoids Gale's stare. 

"How's the name search going, Tyler?" Dewey asks.

"37 usages of Himbry located in the register's office. 9 Tatum's, 47 Riley's. And that's just on campus. It's hopeless."


In the complex movie theatre, a movie is in progress: Stab. You, Sidney and Randy are in the front row, watching intensely. On screen, there's a young girl, looking a lot like Tori Spelling, runs down a school corridor; and behind her, is Reese Witherspoon who plays as you. They both run smack into a young, handsome boy. He could very well be Johnny Depp.

You and Randy sits next to each other and Sidney sits next to him on the other side. Behind you sit your trusting police guards. You shift in your seat. 

"You okay, Y/N?"


On screen, Tori Spelling and Johnny Depp continue their dramatic discussion while Reese is in the corner awkwardly watching. "When my mom left my dad, I accepted it. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Mom's leave."

"Yeah, but your mom left town. She's not dead. My mom's dead. Do you hear me? She's dead. Dead. And she's never coming back. Ever, ever."

In the theatre, Sidney grows increasingly uneasy. "That's not what either of us said."

"I know, they got it all wrong," you say in disbelief.


In the cafeteria, Mickey, Joel, and Derek are crowded around a table in Student Union Cafeteria. "My documentary is due on Tuesday," Derek says.

"What's your subject?" Mickey asks.

"I was a sorority slut."

"You should have done it on Sidney. That would have been cool," Joel joins.

"She wouldn't let me."

"Not with Primetime Live and 20/20 coming at her. I'd save my shit too." Suddenly, Hallie and Sidney come waltzing up.

"Where's Y/N and Sid?" Joel asks. "Damned if I know. They ditched me," Hallie scoffs.

"You weren't supposed to leave them alone," Derek protests.

"I didn't say they were alone. That guy - from their home town showed up. They went off together." Hallie plops down, giving Mickey a kiss. 

"I've been waiting for you, Hallie." Before Hallie can reply to Mickey, Joel interrupts.

"Is that cool? Just to leave them like that?"

"They've got guards with her. Chill."

"What guy?" Derek asks.

"Randy somebody."

"Randy Meeks. He was with Y/N and Sid that night in Woodsboro," Joel says.

"Her old boyfriend?" Mickey asks, sounding slightly disappointed.

"No, she killed her boyfriend. Her boyfriend also used to be with Sidney but they broke up. Randy is Y/N's best friend. He's Sidney's close friend as well but Y/N and Randy's friendship is unbreakable."

"Watch out, Derek," Mickey jokes.

"He tried to kill Sidney and Y/N first," Hallie interferes.

"Is Y/N in therapy?"

"She was for a while. She gave it up." Joel then turns to Hallie.

"Hallie, wasn't Sidney in therapy too?"

"Yeah, but she gave it up as well."

"How do you know so much about them, Joel?" Derek asks.

"I read the book."

"I could use some therapy," Mickey jokes again.

"Should we be worried about this guy? Isn't it kinda weird he just shows up and now people are dying?" Derek hesitates.

"He seemed harmless."

"Aren't most serial killers seemingly harmless, Hallie?"

"And white," Joel says.

"Easy black boy," Mickey replies. 

"It's documented. Most serial killers are attractive - slightly off white males in their twenties." He was right. Billy was attractive, Stu was attractive (kind of.) 

That's you, honey," Hallie says flirtatiously to Mickey. She kisses him softly. 

"I got a surprise for you," Mickey smirks.


Suddenly, he leaps up on the cafeteria table and begins to sing at the top of his lungs. "If I should stay. I would only be in your way. So I'll go. And yet, I know, I'll think of you every step of the way."

"Don't do this, Mickey!" Hallie scolds. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"And IIIIIIIII will always love youUUUUUUUU will always love youuuuuu." Everyone has taken a notice. They begin to cheer and sing with him.

"Whitney?" Joel says to Derek, who's sniggering.

"I think he's doing Dolly Parton."

"And I hope life treats you kind and I hope you have all you dreamed of offff. I wish you joyyyyy," Mickey sings stupidly.

"Definitely Whitney!" 

Hallie can't help but be touched. He finished up, ending on a last, final note. As he does, he pulls a necklace from around his neck. His Greek letters dangle from it. He places them around her neck, kissing her.

"Isn't that a big no-no?" Joel says.

"I think so," Derek responds.

Hallie then breaks away. She swats Mickey. "You're going to get it. You know what happens!"

"But I love you. And I want the whole word to know it." Hallie smiles, her eyes misty. Derek and Joel eye each other.

A/N: Hello, everyone. If anyone is confused, when Sidney and Hallie left Y/N and Randy for some alone time, Hallie left but Sidney stayed in the back corner. She then joined by watching the movie, unbeknonwst to Hallie who finds out that they're both gone later on.

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