Chapter Eight

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The early sun casts light upon an otherwise dark and joyless morning as the blood stained campus slowly comes to life. The local campus security office has been converted into a media event. News trucks, cameras and reporters stand guard. Campus security station is packed. The place has been converted to the local police station as well as FBI headquarters. Uniforms and suits swarm the place.

In a back section of the room, Sheriff Hartley and Captain Tyler are in a huge discussion with Dean Fisher. Their tempers are heated. It's been a sleepless night for all. You and Dewey are in a mild conversation not far from them. You and Sidney stayed with him overnight because it wasn't safe. Although, Sidney wasn't there. She had gone to see Derek. 

"We don't know if it's random. We haven't been able to connect the victims," Captain Tyler says.

"The first two were stabbed without thought. The sorority girl was gutted with autopsy precision," Sheriff Hartley concludes.

"Christ! Just do something. I will not have a repeat of Gainesville. Not on my campus..." Dean says angrily.

Dewey listens to this exchange, slowly stepping forward. You also step forward, listening to the conversation. "Y/N L/N and Sidney Prescott, sir." You raise an eyebrow, confused on why Dewey mentioned your name. They both turn to him. "They're the connection."

"We know that, son," Captain Tyler says, boredom in his voice.

"The killer was trying to get to them. That sorority girl was a distraction," Dewey explains. "Dewey-" you got cut off by Dewey lifting up his hand in order for you to stop talking.

"We're aware of that," Captain Tyler replies. Sheriff Hartley steps forward. "The killer is obviously repeating Woodsboro. I can fill you in on what I know."

You perk up. Maybe they are. Maybe they're trying to torment me, you thought. Dewey is not a welcome participant. Everyone rolls their eyes expect for you. Captain Tyler pulls Dewey aside. "Look, son. I know you've lived through this, but we got it under control. Why don't you have some coffee?"

"You obviously don't have it under control, do you? People are getting killed every damn day," you exclaim. Captain Tyler ignores you, though you could tell he was thinking deeply. Just then, Gale Weathers appears being ushered in by two cops. Dan Fisher greets her with a smile. The FBI and local police fawn over her. 

"Thank you, Miss Weathers for coming in," the Sheriff says.

"Of course, what can I do?"

Captain Tyler gives Dewey a patronising pat on the back, sending him off. "We were hoping you could help with the killer's profile."


Minutes later, a chalk board is in front of you and the others. Three names are written on it under the label 'Victims - Maureen Evans, Phil Stevens, Cici Taylor.' Gale is at the chalkboard, profusely writing. 

"Maureen Evans - Maureen Prescott. Sidney Prescott's mother. The first victim in the Woodsboro murders. Phil Stevens - Steven Orth - the first kid to be murdered. Ten to one - Cici is not the third victim's real name."

"It's Cassandra," you say. You didn't know Cici that well but you did speak occasionally to know her real name. 

"Nickname Cassie - or Casey. Casey Becker. The third victim in Woodsboro. She was hung from a tree and gutted," Gale explains. The room goes quiet. Dewey watches from the back of the room, his eyes burning holes into Gale.

"Jesus," Captain Tyler says.

"It all makes sense now," you say, staring at the chalkboard absentmindedly. 

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