Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Sad chapter. Tears may shed.

The newsvan is parked at a curb. It sits out of the way overlooking the student commons area, a grassy area where students sit and conjugate. Gale walks back and forth with a cellular attached to her ear. Dewey sit leans against the van, watching her. He still has a crush but hides it as best as he can.

Gale speaks to the person on the phone. "The interview's not gonna happen. I changed my mind. I've harassed the girls enough. It's in poor taste and and a bad idea."

"Your entire career is in poor taste," the person says.

"Gotta go, call me when you have something nice to say." Gale hangs up and looks at Dewey. She smiles. 

"So what made you change your mind about Sidney and Y/N?" Dewey asks.

"Mood swing. I'm manic depressive."

"You're a hard one to figure out," Dewey chuckles softly.

"It's that complex yet shallow quality. It's deliberate."

"I think you're all an act."

"And deep down I'm a good person? Make no mistake, Dewey, I'm a shit."

"I know that," Dewey replies.


"I also know that you're an aging TV reporter slash writer who, despite huge tabloid success, has some self worth issues regarding your personal life which directly effects your professional life in a non-positive manner," Dewey explains, "A couple of failed relationships with - I'm guessing balding, older men - have turned you into this bitch with a cell phone. But I bet sometimes, late at night, when you're all alone a sadness seeps to the surface and in a moment of clarity you know that all you really want is to be touched and held and fondled."

Gale stares at him, stunned. Tension swirls around them. "And where did you gain all of your Gale Weathers insight?"

Dewey approaches her. Gale has never been more taken with him. They stand incredibly close. "After my spinal cord was damaged I was laid up for over a year. A lot can happen when you're on your back."

Just then, you and Randy approach them. After Randy finished talking with Joseph, he went to find you so you could hang out more.

"What'd I miss?" he asks.

Gale backs away from Dewey, breathless. Suddenly, your cellular phone rings. You eye Dewey and Gale, and then Randy before putting the phone to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, Y/N."

Your face drains of colour and your body freezes. You move the phone away from your ear. "It's him," you whisper. Randy snatches the phone from you.



"No, this is Randy. You're not gonna touch her."

"But she's standing right next to you. One move and I can kill her."

Randy motions to you, Gale and Dewey. He points around campus, mouthing "he's watching." You freeze. Your eyes wander around campus. Gale grabs Dewey.

"Randy, keep him talking," Gale says. Gale and Dewey race off, across the grassy area where students come and go. Randy holds the phone against his ear, scared and not knowing what to say. You stand next to him, listening intently. 

"So, what's your favourite scary movie?" 

There's no answer. Just silence.

"They'll never find me."

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