Cast/About The Characters

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Skeet Ulrich as Billy Loomis

Matthew Lillard as Stu Macher

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Matthew Lillard as Stu Macher

Neve Campell as Sidney Prescott

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Neve Campell as Sidney Prescott

Neve Campell as Sidney Prescott

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Jamie Kennedy as Randy Meeks

Timothy Olyphant as Mickey Altieri

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Timothy Olyphant as Mickey Altieri

Timothy Olyphant as Mickey Altieri

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Jeremy O'Connell as Derek Feldman

Jeremy O'Connell as Derek Feldman

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Elise Neal as Hallie McDaniel

David Arquette as Dewey Riley

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David Arquette as Dewey Riley

Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers

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Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers

Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers

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About the characters:

Billy Loomis - He's handsome and alluring, a star quarterback/class president type of guy and he's extremely intelligent. He faked his death so he wouldn't get arrested. He's now returned and coming back for Y/N.

Stu Macher - Stu is a Billy wannabe and is almost cool and almost handsome. He's the ex boyfriend of Tatum Riley and Billy's sidekick.

Sidney Prescott - Sidney is tough, sensible, emotional and resourceful. She's Y/N's best friend and is the girlfriend to Derek.

Randy Meeks - Randy is a few inches taller and is a witty jokester and geek. He's grown more maturer. He still remains Y/N's best friend.

Mickey Altieri - Mickey Altieri is the secondary antagonist of the 1997 horror film, Scream 2. He is one of Y/N's and Sidney Prescott's best friends at college and is obsessed with movies and often filmed whatever was going on. He subtly increased paranoia and suspicion when the murder spree began with intimate conversations.

Derek Feldman - He is the college boyfriend of Sidney Prescott. A pre-med student, he desires to be a doctor. He serves as the sequel's biggest red herring, and ultimately is the antithesis of Billy Loomis, Y/N's and Sidney's previous boyfriend.

Hallie McDaniel - She is the roommate and close friend of survivors Y/N and Sidney Prescott at Windsor College, where she studies Psychology.

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