Chapter Seven

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'We must travel in the direction of our fears.' (John Berryman, 1942, A Point of Age, in Poems).

A big thank you to @NatashaJaneReid my AMAZING friend in real life that has helped me edit and think of ideas for this story. Honestly thank you so much! Guys, definitely check out her works! She's fantastic! :)

Dedication: LovelyOwls for the awesome cover!


"Get out."


"Get the hell out of my room." I spat.

His hands were held up in some sort of a peace signal. He nodded in understanding, backing slowly out of my room. I think he was scared to turn his back on me, in case I went for him again. I still felt like it, but I was too tired. I had to get to work, although all I wanted to do was cry and curl up in a ball on my bed.

Xavier said he would get back at me for punching him.

He did. He got me where it hurts the most.


I felt sick. The moment I saw my letter in Xavier's hand, I felt sick.

It has been three days and we'd spoken about two words to each other. I acted as though he didn't exist. He tried to talk to me, but I didn't acknowledge his presence. In the end, he gave up. At school, I was distracted enough to not think about the fact that he knew. As soon as I took one step inside my home, I was blatantly reminded that he did.

"You can't stay mad at him forever," Brooklyn reasoned, pushing her glasses back into her hair, her vivid, green eyes swivelling to mine.

"Watch me."

"He didn't know."

"So? He shouldn't have gone through my personal things. That's not a good enough justification."

"You technically went through his first."

I glowered at her. Brooklyn sighed, giving up. She knew any type of arguing with me would be pointless.

"How's the fair coming along?" I asked, opting to change subjects.

"Fine, no thanks to you." She glared and I shrugged. "It would be really helpful for you to come this afternoon for last minute prep actually. People will listen to you. You're scary."

A smirk appeared at my lips, the thoughts of Xavier momentarily slipping from my mind. "I guess I can stop by for a few minutes. Only because I like you. And Alex will be coming too."

"Alex is already organising the kissing booth," Brooklyn laughed. "He's going a little overboard with it."

"You knew he would," I pointed out with a smile.

I could just imagine the elaborate decorations he has organised. Knowing him, he would have ordered in decorations from some famous company I've never heard of. I then would be scolded for not knowing said company and forced to endure a lecture on why this particular company could change my life. I grimaced at the thought of it.

Brooklyn suddenly cleared her throat. "Xavier, 12 o'clock."

Unpleasant thoughts of Xavier slammed back into my mind. I stood abruptly and headed towards the coffee cart. I heard his footsteps stop. He obviously was coming over to speak to me. I begged in my mind for him to get the hint and go away. Of course, I had no such luck.

"I've never seen you drink coffee."

Damn. He followed me. I sighed, pivoting to face him. "I do. Sometimes. It's not for me."

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