Chapter Thirty Six

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Dedication: BrokenxSpark for the amazing cover! Thank you!


I was silent as I stared at Xavier.

"Hey man," Jayden said, oblivious to the accumulating tension. "Jayden."

"Xavier," Xavier said gruffly.

"Oh..." Jayden said, giving me an uneasy look.

This wasn't awkward at all.


"What has you looking so pathetic?"

I opened my eyes and stared at my father's upside down figure.

"My life is pathetic."

"Cry me a river," he said sarcastically.

The lounge dipped as he sat beside me. I moved from hanging off the lounge and placed my head in his lap.

"I would but you suck at swimming."

"I got caught in a rip one time!" dad groaned. "It doesn't mean I can't swim."

"I was fourteen and I had to pull you out."

"Don't remind me."

I grinned up at him.

"Ah, look, there's the smile I've missed so dearly."

The smile dropped.

"What's wrong? You don't like the new car?" he asked softly, running his fingers through my hair.

I let my eyes close as I felt his finger nails run over my scalp.

"I love the car."


"So, the fact that Xavier thinks he can buy my forgiveness makes me feel cheap and shallow. Am I cheap and shallow?"

"You are anything but cheap and shallow," dad replied. "I don't think Xavier meant to make you feel that way. I actually think it was quite, er, romantic."

"Romantic?" I questioned, quirking my eyebrow up at him.

"Yeah. He knows how much you love your car. For him to go out and try to get an exact replica for you. I think that's romantic. Most girls would love that."

"I'm not most girls," I argued. "I see your point. It was very thoughtful. But I can't help but feel he's trying to buy me."

"Why don't you try talking to him?"

"Well, after he bailed because Jayden was here, I've tried texting him but he won't reply. I don't even know where he's living."

"He's living in the granny flat out the back of that Jasmine girl's place."

"Oh. Even better."

"So wait, you don't want to forgive Xavier, but you don't want him to be with anyone else?"

"Pretty much," I admitted.

He sighed, shaking his head. "And you think you're not like other girls."


"Wow," Brooklyn commented as she slid into the passenger seat. Sliding her sunglasses down her nose, she let out a whistle. "You and Xavier should break up more often."

I rolled my eyes. "It's a nice car, isn't it?"

"And why have you not had hot, make up sex yet?"

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