Chapter Eleven

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"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars." - Jack Kerouac.

Dedication: xXSwimmer_ChickxX for the awesome cover!


"Ugh, Faith," his muffled voice came out. "Who do we know that owns a Mercedes?"

My heart plummeted into my stomach. No... I wrenched the helmet, painfully, from my head and stared at the sleek looking vehicle parked in my driveway. I groaned, face palming myself.

"That would be my mother."


I grimaced as Aubrey's shrill voice cut through the air like glass. Stiffening, I placed my helmet on the bike, suddenly wanting to get back on the thing and travel far, far away.

"Does your father know about this?" she asked sternly, planting her hands on her hips. "How long have you been driving around on that death trap? And who with? I'm sure your father would be very disappointed with you."

"I'm great, mother, thanks for asking."

Smoothing over my hair, I cast my eyes down, avoiding eye contact with Xavier. This was embarrassing. I was literally embarrassed of my own mother.

"Who are you?" she asked rudely, staring down her nose at Xavier.

"Xavier," he smiled charmingly. "Faith's roommate."

"What?" she spluttered and I snorted at the look on her face. "Surely your father-"

"Don't act like you know a thing about him or myself because you left us. Remember?" I snapped, my voice so venomous I'm surprised she didn't keel over. Xavier flinched beside me and I could feel his eyes on my skin, but I didn't back down from glaring at her.

She didn't change her face and I rolled my eyes, shouldering past her. I wanted this to be over already and it had only been five seconds.

"Could you help me with my bags-" she began and I turned on my heel.

"Are you nuts? You're not staying here!" I exclaimed, staring at her in bewilderment. "You can't just barge into my house. You're practically a stranger to me."

I honestly think I saw something in her eyes. But it was only fleeting, making me wonder if I had really seen anything at all. Probably not, considering she's a cold-hearted bitch.

"I'm your mother," she said, her voice noticeably quieter.

"Never acted like it before, why start now?"

With that, I turned and strode into the house. Xavier followed suit, looking extremely awkward. Once his feet were inside I slammed the door as hard as I could and locked it.

"Faith-" Xavier began but I held my hand up, heading straight for the stairs.

"Not a word."

There goes my good day.


"I can't believe you slammed the door in her face, you sassy little thing," dad said and I knew he was shaking his head.

"Should have seen her!" I exclaimed defensively. "She is such a bitch."

"So are you."

I bit back a smile at that.

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