Chapter Thirteen

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"We are forever choosing ourselves and we are condemned to be free." -Sartre

Dedication: TrainWreckxo for the cover!


(Was a flash back from a year ago detailing the reason why Faith and Jacob broke up)

His hand swung towards me, striking me in the face. I lost my balance, falling back. The hit on my face was hard, but not as hard as it was hitting the cement ground behind me. A cry left my lips as pain muddled my head.

"Shit," he swore, somehow sounding angrier than I felt.

I tried sitting up, but the pain inside my head doubled. Black dots danced across my vision. After cursing a few more times, Jacob rose to his full height and stepped over me. He literally, walked over me and left.

I guess I could say this was by far, the worst night of my life.



The wind was cool as my hair danced restlessly around my face. It was a little after midday and the wind had begun to pick up. At least it was sunny out, for the talent quest. I scanned the area as I drove past, seeing everyone doing last minute activities to ensure their stalls and whatnot were ready.

"I wonder if the acapella group is going to make a guest appearance this year," Brooklyn said, an amused smile stretched across her lips.

I felt sorry for the acapella group. They were kind of cool, until the movie Pitch Perfect came out and now no one can take them seriously. Last year they actually did their own version of the sock puppet acapella that can be seen in the movie, which was pretty funny. But I feel it was a one-time hit and if they try to do anything this year, it will just be lame.

"I hope not, it will just be embarrassing."

Brooklyn giggled, before taking a sip of her coffee. The scent was overpowering, making me wish I'd bought one. At the time, I decided to have a hot chocolate later at the carnival. I should have just had a coffee as well.

"Have you heard from your mum?" she asked and I felt her eyes on me.

When it came to Aubrey, Brooklyn slipped into a counsellor type role and acted like I was someone emotionally unstable. I probably was. I scowled at the mention of her, my grip involuntarily tightening around the steering wheel.

"She tried to call a few times but I didn't answer. No means no, she just doesn't get it."

"I reckon it would have been fun," Brooklyn sighed, settling back into the passenger seat. "I don't mind some of her clothes."

I glared at her and she took a another sip and stared out the window, avoiding my gaze.

We smoothly pulled into my driveway and the first thing I noticed, was that Xavier's bike wasn't in its usual spot. Sliding out of the car, I looked around. We had spoken the other night and what I got from that conversation, I thought we would be attending the talent quest together. It doesn't start for two hours, so he might be back before it.

"Hey, have you finished the essay yet?" Brooklyn asked as she trailed behind me into the house.

I chucked my keys into the bowl and slid my clutch onto the bench. "Almost, just have one paragraph and the conclusion to do. And to finish my reference list."

"Shoot," she muttered, taking a seat at the bench. "I am so screwed."

She withdrew our two muffins from the packet. "You'll be fine, we still have like three days."

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