Chapter Two

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller.

Dedication: xXSwimmer_ChickXx for the awesome cover on the side!


Ah, using my food weakness against me. He was pulling out the big guns. I groaned dramatically, rolling onto my back.


He grinned, hooking me two thumbs up. I gave him a blank look. He turned and jogged out the back. I had just closed my eyes when the door bell rang. Sighing, I clambered to my feet and begrudgingly walked to the door. I swung it open and my mouth fell open at who stood there.

"Oh hey roomie." he smirked.

"You've got to be kidding me."


"No, not kidding," he grinned at me toothily.

A dramatic groan escaped my lips. His golden-boy looks were not enough to subside the immense irritation that suddenly filled my body. I gave him a flat stare which he only returned with a lope-sided smile.

"Go find somewhere else to live."

"Sounds like you need me, just as much as I need you, sweet cheeks."

"Don't call me that." I snap in annoyance.

"Those little dimples," he cooed, stepping forward into the house and prodding me in the cheek.

Instantly, I slapped his hand away and frowned.

Who did he think he was? Who just barges into someone's house after ramming into their car, might I add, and starts treating them like a child?

This could not be the person who is my potential roommate...

"Well hello!" Dad greeted cheerfully, hastily wiping his hands on his jeans. "Xavier, is it? Nice to meet you in person."

"Likewise," he smiled back charmingly, and I scoffed without meaning to. Dad swivelled his eyes warningly to me. We often could communicate just through a look and I could tell he was begging me to be civil right now.

"Do you know each other?" he asked cautiously, looking a little frightened.

"This," I ground out, waving my hand at him dismissively. "Is the idiot who ran into my car today."

"Because you stalled. How long have you had your license?" he questioned, cocking his head to the side. He was speaking slowly, as if addressing a young child. Again, speaking to me like I was immature beyond my years. I may be small physically but my personality was big enough to fulfil my physical lacking. My mouth snapped open to retort but dad's nervous laugh silenced me. He slapped me on the shoulder, his fingers biting into my shoulder, signalling me to watch myself. I physically bit my tongue, exhaling slowly.

"Alright, alright. We've clearly gotten off on a bad foot and let me tell you Xavier, Faith can really hold a grudge when she wants to but you were the one who hit my daughter's car. We've already discussed the insurance, so there is no need to say things like that. You need a place to live, we need someone to rent, let's just focus on that, shall we?"

"I completely agree with you sir," Xavier replied, a little taken back at dad's words. A charismatic smile stretched across his face and I saw my dad physically relax. Rolling my eyes, I threw my hands up in a peace signal and turned, striding to the kitchen. I didn't want to be there for the interview, I knew dad would approve him anyway. We were desperate.

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