Chapter Twenty Five

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"Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we rushed through life trying to save." - Will Rogers.

Dedication: PollyHere for the amazing cover! I love it! Thank you :)


"What? He has a phobia of spiders." I re-wrapped my robe around myself. "I have to go get a container and take it outside."

He just shook his head at me.

"You two are seriously the weirdest people I've ever met."

He was probably right.


A loud, dramatic groan left my lips.

I groggily reached for my alarm, before tapping my screen to snooze. I feel so tired and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet.

Continuing to snooze my alarm about four times, I finally managed to pull myself out of bed. Dragging my feet on the carpet, I waded towards my bathroom, my body feeling heavy with sleep.

Shuffling in, I squinted as something caught my eye. A scream left my lips when I saw a naked Xavier, leaning nonchalantly against my glass door.

"Shh!" he suddenly whispered, half jolting. "Do you want us to get caught?"

After pressing my hand to my chest, to stop my heart from leaping outside it, I slapped him on his own chest.

"What the hell are you doing?" I furiously whispered.

"What's it look like?" he grinned, coming towards me, before resting his hands on my hips. "Good morning Princess."

I couldn't fight the smile off my face and I felt my insides melt as he stared at me. I smiled up at him. "Hi."

"By the way, I am freezing. I didn't realise it took you forty minutes to get out of bed."

"It's a continual struggle," I admitted, fighting off a yawn.

"Come here," he said, pulling me closer.

He wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me in a giant bear hug. I snuggled into his chest, inhaling his scent. Although he had goose bumps on his skin, he still radiated warmth. I gripped him tighter, absorbing his warmth into my own skin.

Stepping back, he gently pressed his lips to mine, before kissing my nose.

"If dad finds out you're in here, you're dead," I promised, my voice muffled by his skin.

He rolled his eyes. "He'd have to catch me first."

He turned the hot water nozzle on and soon, the bathroom began to fill with steam. I followed him into the cubicle.

He began lathering his hands with soap, before slowly rubbing it over my body. I fought off giggles as I was ferociously ticklish.

Inching towards me, he gently began kissing my neck, making his way up to my lips.

"Faith!" Dad suddenly called, making us both jump in alarm. "Get out, you're going to be late and stop wasting all the water!"

"If you make me some breakfast I'll consider it," I yelled back.

I just knew he was rolling his eyes.

"We'll have to pick this up later," Xavier murmured, before giving me one last, slow kiss.

This was one way to start the day.


Having been wrapped up in my own bubble, I totally forgot that I hadn't announced that Xavier and I were together. And I forgot what the student population was like at my school.

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