Chapter Nineteen

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"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others." - Ayn Rand.

Dedication: Mookiex3 for the cover! Thank you!


Tears welled in my eyes. How could he do this? He told me he liked me.

I wanted to go over there and punch him so hard that it knocked him into the water behind him.

I wasn't going through this again.

We were so done.


After convincing Brooklyn I was fine, after dropping her off, I cried like a baby.

For about half an hour. I contemplated punching my steering wheel, but decided I loved my car too much and that I should punch Xavier's face instead. With that thought in mind, I stomped on the accelerator and drove a little too recklessly home.

I just kept thinking, was I not enough?

What we had was amazing. If that wasn't enough for him, what would be?

His motorbike was parked in the driveway. Huh, I guess the date wasn't going into dinner time then. Good. I don't have to wait around to kill him.

I marched through the front door, my rage feeling hot inside my veins. I froze.

Candles were littered everywhere. There was a mouth watering smell wafting through the bottom floor. There was soft music playing.

He brought her back here!?

Well, with all the candles, it will make it easier to murder him. And hide the body.

I slammed the door shut so hard I'm surprised it didn't fly off it's hinges. I didn't get to take another step, before Xavier slowly wandered down the stairs, a rose in his mouth. I stared at him like he had three heads.

He was busted and he had the audacity to act this calm and casual? Hell no.

He had a white robe wrapped securely around his body. His eyes never leaving mine, he walked silently to the bottom of the stair case, before dropping the robe.

He had nothing on underneath.

My mouth fell open. Wait... he cut his date off early to come romance me?

Is he really that sick?

Taking the rose from between his teeth, he smirked at me. "Hey baby."

My mouth was still dangling open. My eyes roamed over his sculpted body. He was so hot that my body ached for him. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to compose myself.

"What are you doing?" My voice was strained as I tried to keep it together.

"Continuing what happened earlier at lunch," he grinned, coming towards me.

I kept my eyes on his face, as hard as it was. No pun intended.

"What happened earlier, Xavier?" I asked through gritted teeth, sounding eerily calm.

"You know," he smirked.

He reached out, gripping my hips with his hands. I wanted to press my body against his and feel his mouth on mine. I wanted to feel the heat of his skin seeping into mine.

But I couldn't.

"I know how you're a two timing asshole." I spat, throwing his hands away from me.

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