Chapter Twenty

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"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." –Napoleon Hill

Dedication: Dredge116 for the cover! Thank you so much! :)


I glared at him as hard as I could, as he turned and walked completely unhurried to his car. He shot us another smirk, before sliding into his SUV. I didn't move a muscle, until he reversed from the driveway and disappeared inside.


"Get inside. Now." I barked, pointing at the door. "You have a lot of explaining to do."


"Well?" I demanded, planting my hands on my hips. "Are going to tell me what the hell that was about?"

Xavier winced as he gingerly touched his swollen eye. "Can I clean myself up first?"


"Faith," he groaned. "I'm in so much pain right now. Please."

Sighing, I threw my hands up in the air. "Fine. I'll go try and find the first aid kit."

I marched from him, mumbling under my breath.

I couldn't get rid of the image of Chase from my mind. It was scary opening the door and facing Xavier. Well, Xavier's twin. It was so freaky.

Swiping my phone from the bench, I quickly began typing a message to Brooklyn.

F: The craaaaziest shit just went down. And it's not what you think! Xavier wasn't cheating on me... he has a twin brother? I'm freaking out, call me when you can.

I shook my head, slightly incredulous, as I sent that message.

This whole thing was so bizarre.

The next half an hour consisted of me attempting to clear up the injuries Chase inflicted on Xavier. It wasn't anything too drastic, just swelling and bruising.

After that, I finally had his attention.

"I don't even know where to begin," he sighed, rubbing his temples, looking exhausted.

I'm still surprised his robe stayed intact. Would have been an awkward fight, if it hadn't.

"Any information would be nice," I retorted dryly. "Did it start after your mum died?"

"Yeah, it did," he nodded. "As I've told you, mum died when I was seven. She married my step father when I was about five, I think. Since we've never met our dad, it was just Andrew. He took custody of us."

"Okay," I nodded, shifting in my seat. "Go on."

"He wasn't a great guy. He would just dump us at our grandparents place when he wanted to go get drunk and stuff. But our grandparents travelled a lot, so when they weren't around, we were just abandoned. Sometimes for a couple of days."

Biting my lip, I shook my head. "That's horrible."

"Yeah. It was. But that was the good life. It got worse when we got older. He started being able to use us."

"Use you?" I repeated, slightly unsure of what he meant by that.

"Yeah. He made us go do jobs for him. People don't question two kids running around. A creepy older guy? That raises alarms. We used to drop off packages and pick up 'deliveries', as he used to call them."

Frowning, I cocked my head to the side. "Deliveries? What was it?"

He gave me an unreadable expression. "Drugs, Faith."

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