Chapter Four

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." - Robert Frost.

Dedication: Lovelydanii69 for the awesome cover on the side - thank you!


"Game on, biatch."

He then stepped back, the cool air replacing his warm contact. My cheeks were flushed at our closeness and I wanted to bury my head in the sand. He had just caused me so much unwanted attention from the female body and had caught me off-guard.

Yep. He was going down.


I watched miserably as Xavier rose to the top of the social ladder. Literally, it was like he was a hero at school. He was accepted and welcomed amongst 'the boys' and had girls hanging off him already. I tried to ignore him the best I could but was mainly unsuccessful.

The bad boy attitude he wore had all the girls melting into puddles around him. It was disgusting. I felt like I had been picked up and dumped into a cliché, teen movie. The worst thing of all though, he had seemingly become good friends with Jacob, my ex whom I try to avoid like the plague. I have had horrible nightmares of Xavier bringing him over to the house...

He stood there with one of the cheerleaders, Amanda, aka one of Megan's minions, their arms brushing each other. He was laughing at something one of the boys said. I narrowed my eyes into slits.

"If you stare any harder, you're going to burn a whole through his shirt." Brooklyn whispered to me. I jumped in alarm, as if I had been in some trance. Reluctantly, I dragged my eyes from him and towards the vivid, green eyes of my best friend. Was I that obvious?

"He's annoying."

"Uh huh."

"Don't 'uh huh' me." I retorted, knowing exactly what she was implying. She raised her eyebrows suggestively but I ignored the gesture.

Just because he was ridiculously, amazingly, gorgeously attractive, does not mean I actually am attracted to him. He's infuriating. Shaking my head, I stood abruptly, grabbing my lunch bag. She peered up at me questioningly, still giving me her knowing smirk.

"I'm going for a walk."

She gave me an odd look which I brushed off. I wandered towards the bin and dumped my empty bag. A throat cleared behind me. Slowly, I turned, half expecting it to be Xavier. My stomach clenched painfully, as it always does when I see him. I stared into the familiar dark eyes of Jacob immediately deciding the walk was not a good choice on my behalf.

"Hey Faith," he smiled.

My gaze dropped as I gave him the once-over. He's tall with a thin build, but broad shoulders. He has tanned skin, dark hair and deep, brown eyes. The complete opposite to Xavier. I wonder if that's why I find Xavier so attractive. He's the absolute opposite of the type I would usually go for.

Jacob gave me a small smile and I narrowed my eyes. After we broke up, we went through the 'unable-to-stare-at-each-other-without-spitting-fire' phase (okay that was mainly me), to the 'completely-pretending-you-don't-exist' phase and now were settling nicely into the 'awkwardly-trying-to-associate-with-each-other' phase. I still don't know if I like us being on speaking terms again after everything. My pride and ego are still bruised.

"Jacob." I responded coldly.

His face twitched slightly at my not-so-warm welcome. "How are you?"

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