Chapter Thirty One

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"Do the best you can, and don't take life too seriously." - Will Rogers.

Dedication: Lalalalalataz for the awesome cover! Thank you!


"I just wanted to clarify that," he replied with a smile, before jogging up the stairs.

I lent back in my chair and stared down at the bench, a pool of guilt rising in my stomach.

Dad may have doubted me, but I was the one who doubted Xavier, when he thought he could trust me. I let him down.

It's all my fault he left.


I was beginning to get frustrated now.

For the past three hours, dad and I had split up to search for Xavier, since he was not answering our calls or responding to our texts. I get it, he's pissed off. But guess who's pissed off now, too? Me. And I was ready to wring his neck.

I let out a growl of frustration as I glared out the window. I went to "our place" and only got scratches and a cut above my eyebrow. I'm guessing he knew it would be too obvious if he went there.

My phone began vibrating and I pulled to the curb. After fumbling through the crap I had on my passenger seat, I eventually found my phone.

"Have you found him?" I asked breathlessly.

"No," dad sighed and just knew he was frowning. "You obviously haven't had any luck?"


"Maybe we should just call it quits. He'll come home to us, when he's ready."

"Will he?" I asked sarcastically. "It's not really his home considering you kicked him out."

"Don't take your anger out on me, Missy," he argued.

I let out a groan. "You can give up if you want to. I'm going to keep looking."

"Okay, fine. I'll call you if he turns up at home."

"You do that."

"Stop being a brat."

I hung up and threw my phone onto the seat. I let out a heavy sigh, before reclining back in the driver seat. I cut the engine and felt my eyes burn. I pressed my fingers to my lips as a sob erupted from my throat.

It hadn't even been 24 hours and I missed him so much.

Ever since he stormed out of my house, I had an ache in my chest. My stomach had developed a squirmy, uncomfortable feeling that made me feel like I had to vomit every few minutes.

I had really fallen for Xavier and I let him go.

If he doesn't come back to me, I will never forgive myself.


After another hour of unsuccessful searching, I retired back home.

"Don't worry, Kid," dad said, giving me a pat on the shoulder. "It'll be alright."

"You don't know that," I said gloomily, shoving my spoon far too aggressively into my jumbo-sized Nutella jar.

"Faith," he said, leaning onto the counter. "Look at me."

Dragging my eyes from the Nutella, I met eyes with his.

"You are the strongest and most beautiful person I have ever met. Don't you forget that, okay?"

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