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Dedication: Anthem- for the AMAZING cover! Thank you so much!


******* Five Years Later ********

"And cut," the director called and I let out a deep exhale.

My palms were sweating. I hastily wiped them on my skirt as I made my way off the stage. My throat felt dry as I reached for my water.

"Excellent job, Faith," the manager of Health Food Corporation said, shooting a beaming smile at me. "That was terrific."

"Thanks," I replied with a small smile.

I was going to be on T.V. For real. I was doing an advertisement to promote being healthy. I had done the part where I had to run in the forest yesterday. The rest of the set was when I was meant to walk into my kitchen and drink water. I then proceed to state that I wake up every morning with going for a run and eating a healthy, organic breakfast. I then go on to say why eating healthy is such an important way of life, blah blah.

I agreed to do the ad as it wasn't promoting a particular diet or health food product. It was simply about living healthy and making health-conscious choices. Also, the pay check that comes along with the ad was enough to make me nod and smile in agreement.

Xavier and I had been saving for the past couple of years, for a house. We had gotten a loan out and purchased an apartment, which we have been living in, but our now moving onto the next step. A house. We were going to rent out the apartment we've been living in, to pay off our mortgage. This pay check, helped a lot.

Okay, I better catch up with what I'm doing, career-wise now. After taking over the boot camp and fitness classes for a year, I went to the University of Rivertonne, to study Nutrition. Xavier and I moved as it was about two hours from where dad lived.

Dad still owned our house, but as of now, officially lives in North Queensland, with his wife. He ended up marrying the woman he used to see when he worked up in the mines. I don't see him as often as I like, but we visit each other often. We also ring each other every few days, so it's not like I never hear from him.

I work at the gym in town and run my own small business of nutrition and healthy eating plans. I am a diet consultant at the gym, but also run boot camp and fitness classes, alongside Alejandro, the man who operates and owns the gym I work for.

"We're just going through the editing stages and we will contact you when the ad is finalised." A lady with dark hair, piled neatly on top of her head, said to me, successfully dragging me back to reality. "You did great."


"We're done for now," she dismissed, before saying something incoherent into her mic piece, that hung in front of her lips. She hurried off and I shook my head, sliding my bag onto my shoulder.

As I made my way from the studio, I paused as I caught myself in the mirror.

I looked much the same, except right now, much more glamorous than usual. My bright, red hair was pulled into a neat pony tail. The fiery red matched well with my red and black themed outfit.

Xavier often joked that I dressed like I was sporting a fitness ad. Now, I really was. I have now been asked to go on T.V and advertise the gym I work for and my nutrition consulting. I haven't looked into the fine print of the agreement, but at this stage, I'm going to go for it.

Mounting onto my bike and undoing the lock, I began to cycle home. I breathed in the fresh air as I weaved my way through people. It didn't take me long to reach our two-bedroom apartment. Placing my bike into the bike rack and securing the lock, I jogged inside.

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