Chapter Fifteen

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"Every flower has to grow through dirt." -Laurie Jean Sennott.

Dedication: Elsa_Kalinkin for the cover!


Electricity spiked through my veins. I've never felt so alive.

His warm hands felt firm as he touched the exposed skin on my back. I felt like I was going to pass out. He stepped back, panting, our breaths mingling together. Red lip stick was smeared across his lips and I grinned up at him, feeling better than I had in a long time.

I'm definitely glad I came out tonight.


You've. Got. To. Be. Kidding.

It was Sunday. The first day of the week where I had an opportunity to sleep in. And this happens.

Why would someone be mowing the lawn at 6am?

The good thing about being slightly out of town, is that I have no close neighbours to disturb me. I often laugh at the stories my friends tell me about theirs. Other than dad and myself, it was pretty peaceful. Dad obviously knew to never do something like this, or he would suffer the consequences.

Xavier obviously didn't.


Holy shit.

I suddenly sat bolt upright. Last night...

My head pounded and my stomach had a sick feeling to it. Clutching at my head, a horrible sound left my lips. I did not feel great. And the roaring sound of the lawn mower was not helping.

Literally crawling from my bed into the bathroom, my knees met the cold tiles. I glanced down, realising I was still in my provocative playsuit. With my legs feeling wobbly, I used the sink basin to pull myself into standing position. My stomach lurched uncomfortably and I stumbled back, feeling nauseous.

I need a shower. Stat.

Turning the nozzle towards hot, I leaned my forehead against the cool glass. Last night, Xavier and I passionately made out against the wall of Thomas Herold's house. The house I thought I never would return to.

Where does this leave Xavier and I?

After realising that the room was now majority steam, I decided it was probably time to actually get in the shower. The warm water unwound my uptight muscles and I sighed, feeling better already.

My mind was stuck on repeat. I loved feeling his lips against mine. I loved the feel of his hands down my back. I loved everything that he did to me.

After making myself semi-presentable, I stomped down the stairs. As much as I appreciated Xavier mowing the lawn, because let's face it - I wasn't going to, he didn't have to do it at six in the morning. On a Sunday. Especially when I was still feeling the effects of last night.

Sweat glistened off his skin and I paused, momentarily having forgot what I came out for. The sun was out already and although it wasn't exactly warm, I guess if you were outside working, you would be.

I wanted to lick his skin and taste him.

I flinched, actually shocked at my own thoughts. What the hell was going on with me?

Staring at him further, I felt my thoughts gradually ebb away.

His jeans clung to him all-too-well and hung low on his hips. With my mouth visibly hanging open, I gaped at him. He looked really hot.

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