Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring so I go back to being myself." -Anon.

Dedication: Jewlez for the amazing cover! Thank you!


"So, if we're all done introducing ourselves," my father said politely, his smile so fake that I had to bite my tongue not to laugh. "I'm going to continue my walk now. Have a nice day."

With that, dad and I continued walking the way we came, leaving the gruesome twosome staring in shock after us.

My dad was officially the coolest guy ever.


I was on my side, lazily scrolling through my Instagram feed.

There was a soft knock at my door.


"I'm going to head to bed," dad said, after sticking his head around the door. "Goodnight."

"Night, dad. Love you."

"Love you, too."

The door closed softly behind him.

About ten minutes later, my door opened again. This had become a nightly occurrence. Xavier would wait until my dad had gone to bed, before sneaking into my room.

"Hey babe," he whispered, crawling into my bed.

"Hey," I laughed, as he pushed his head into the crook of my neck.

Giving him a quick squeeze, I let him go. Sliding my phone under my pillow, I stared up at him, although I could only make out the outline of his face.

"How was your walk today?" he asked.

Xavier and I hadn't had a chance to talk much today. When he got back home, dad and I were out, so he decided to go to the gym. When he got back, we had dinner, our showers, etc. We didn't get a chance to catch up. Until now.

"Good, until we had a run in with your evil brother," I sighed.

"Ugh," he groaned. "He was at the beach?"

"Yeah, and you'll never guess who with."

"Not Jacob?" he asked in horror.

"Oh, good guess, but no. Even worse."

"Not Megan..." he trailed off.

"Ding ding ding."


"My exact thoughts too!"

"He probably did that to piss you off."


"Did Michael meet them?"

"Unfortunately. But he was really cool and told Megan to back off and stop bullying me."

"Did he really?" he asked in surprise. "Points for Michael."

"I know!" I grinned. "The rest of the walk was really nice. How was your day?"

"She knew who I was today," Xavier exclaimed in excitement. "Still not how she used to be, but a lot better than what she has been."

"Aw, that's great."

"Yeah," he agreed. "It was nice."

Pushing off my elbow, I pressed my lips to his cheek. "Hey Xavier?"


"I have a question I've been wanting to ask you."

"Oh jeeze."

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