Chapter Forty Two

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Dedication: SpencerFG for the awesome cover! Thank you!


"I wish I could see it. It would make me so happy."

"You're a cruel, cruel girl."

"I know," I grinned. "You can't tell me that it's not karma coming back to bite her in the ass."

Brooklyn looked at me, before bursting out laughing. She slapped her knee, before slapping my shoulder. I snorted with laughter, doubling over.

What goes around, comes around.


Sweat beaded across my forehead as I jogged.

I could hear the steady thudding of the footsteps behind me as the group I run with every morning followed me. I wiped the back of my hand over my forehead, letting out a deep exhale. It was barely 7:15am and it was already warm outside.

I slowed to a stop at the front of the gym and placed my hands on my hips. The group behind me followed my lead. We were all red faced, sweat-drenched and breathless. Our jogs weren't just casual, half-hearted jogs. They were long and hard.

"Good job today guys," I called out, hooking my thumbs up. "Please make sure you keep hydrated today, I think it's going to be a hot one."

They all murmured in agreement, most too puffed to speak yet.

"Alright, let's do some stretches."

I began to complete a series of lunges and stretches to cool down our muscles. They followed suit, still out of breath from the run. After about ten minutes, I straightened up and nodded at them.

"Thank you for coming today. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Most of them said thank you, some just smiled as they began to walk back to their cars and whatnot. I re-did my hair into my bun and walked unhurriedly home. I loved this part of my day. I was just by myself. I got to think for a few moments and enjoy the silence. Well, it wasn't quite silence with the birds chirping and the constant sounds of cars rushing by, but close enough.

I always felt good after a run. The endorphins pulsed through me, making me feel energised and fit. It made me feel like I was going to conquer today. Conquer what, I'm not sure, but something. And that was a good feeling.

As I walked inside, dad was there, his back to me, as he cooked himself bacon and eggs. My stomach grumbled but I firmly looked away, knowing very well that I had fruit and muesli waiting for me after my shower. It wasn't fair that dad teased me with bacon and toast. I love toast.

"Good morning," I sang, sliding my runners off.

"Morning," he replied, looking over his shoulder. "How did we go today?"

"Very good. Better, if my father was there."

He snorted. "Good joke."

"You really should come. It's fun."

He turned and leaned on the kitchen bench. He wrinkled his nose. "Nah, not really my thing."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so lame."

He shrugged. "You had to get it from somewhere."

"Oh, good one," I retorted sarcastically.

As I walked past the bench, I snagged a small bunch of grapes and munched on them, as I mounted the stairs. I peeled the sweat laced clothes from me and threw them into the basket. I was just waiting for the water to heat up, when I heard the bathroom door open.

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