8. Once A Cheater....

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Zyan's Point of View:

Arriving at Garneau's Restaurant I felt nervous and quite upset with myself. Here I was after the argument with my husband earlier and I couldn't think about anything but how we are at odds.

Earlier That Day:

"Michael what the fuck is your problem?" I yell at him once I knew Richard was out of the office.

"What the hell is your problem? Zyan I am still your husband you could of shown me more courtesy in front of that sleaze ball motherfucker!" Michael rants.

"Yeah and for how long huh? Michael I know you're keeping something from me. Why don't you just tell me what it is? You said you and Richard had beef what for?" I asked him giving him one last time to come clean to me about whatever it is he got going on.

"Zyan baby I want to but I can't if I do you could be seriously hurt. Just trust me baby he is not to be trusted and I am still your husband in love with you and want to be with you." He says and I sigh.

"Okay fine call Joseph up and tell him you cancel with him tonight. Let one of your other brothers do whatever it is he want you to do. Tell him tonight you are making your wife a priority and you're going to have dinner with me tonight?" I staked my position as I am getting tired of his empty promises and sudden disappearances.

"Baby you are my priority but I really can't cancel what is happening tonight. Look in the end you will thank me for all of this." He says coming to touch me but I hold my hand up.

"Maxine I need you to call Travis my lawyer I need you to page him through to me." I say giving Michael a deep scowled look.


"Shut up and don't baby me..." I say as I wait for Travis voice.

"Zyan what a pleasure to hear from you is everything alright with your contract you signed?" He asked me.

"Yes that's not why I'm calling. Travis I need for you to draw me up a silent investors contract for the property I am trying to acquisition. And I also need you to start filing paperwork for a divorce but first it will be a trial separation..." I say shocking him.

"Zyan you can't be fucking serious right now you got to be kidding me right? You're going to divorce me because I can't make a dinner? What the fuck is your damn problem? What happen to therapy and us working things out!!!" Michael went off naturally like I thought he would.

"Hello Mr. Jackson, Zyan are you serious? This is a joke right?" Travis asked me and I finally let the tears fall that I was holding.

"No this is not a joke Travis I am quite serious. I want everything done by tomorrow morning. Fax it to me and send a copy of the separation paperwork to Michael." I say hanging up.

"Michael I can't do this no more, you promise me no more secrets or lies. You told me you was going to be up front with me. Michael you have already cheated on me and got our daughter kidnapped and she is still haunted by your mistakes. We all are and I am not going to keep lying to myself while I am hurting!!! Therapy is not going to fix this..." I yell at him tears fully falling.

"I won't sign them!! You can't leave me Zyan. I won't let you I love you too much to let you go. You and me are soulmates and I'll be fucking damn before I let that nigga take you from me. So no I am denying your divorce!" He says getting louder as he punch a hole in my office wall.

"Don't make me fight you Michael please think about our children!" I yell back.

"No you fucking think about our children!!! They need their parents you are my wife for life and nothing or no one is keeping you from me!! Do you hear me Mrs. Jackson you are mine!!! You can't shake me off even if you tried!!! I will give you your separation to think about this. But that's it I am not divorcing you over my dead body am I ever letting you go!!" He says tears in his eyes as he slammed my office door making a painting fall.

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