19. The War Has Begun

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David's Point Of View:

"I'm sorry James that I wasn't there for you. Maybe if I would of fought harder you wouldn't have been an addict. John was never a good father for you I don't know why your mother was so hell bent on him. Granted Vera wouldn't of let me keep you anyway. She always pride herself on our demon seed...." I say to my young son as I sit at his grave site.

Coughing up a little blood this cancer is kicking my ass faster than I can kick them Jacksons. My only comfort comes in the form of knowing that Joseph is clinging for life in the ICU. Richard has got his nose way to open to do the business that needs to be done.

I just hope the Johnsons get some type of retribution. It would be funny for one of the Johnson men to finally get themselves a Jackson or a Nelson woman. Lord knows I would of love to have had Katherine or Mattie on my arm than to have had evil ass Vera.

Although I loved her she was hell bent on being the most powerful and affluent family here in Los Angeles. I always wondered if it was her motive or one put in her head by her father.

"So it's really true you are sick huh?" Her voice dripped in sarcasm made me smile.

"Prissy baby now you know no matter what I am a fighter. You look amazing darling any pity left for a sick man?" I asked laughing as she did look good with her legs still as vivacious as they were.

"You don't need pity David baby, although you are sick. Darling you are still as sexy as you ever was. The question is do you still have the magic you was born with?" She says flirting with me as she helps me to a bench in the cemetery.

"That will never change Prissy and he still gets rock hard like a stallion. Just looking for the right rider to take him to new heights." I say laughing as she eyes me up and down.

"Let's hook up later so why did you call me to come meet you here at the cemetery I know it's not to meet James. I already know about him and I know it wasn't to visit that bitch Vera." She says and I laugh.

"No it's about our plans, the Cordelano family has turned against us on the word of your son in-law and his overzealous new partner Jackson. We need someone new to execute that hit on your daughter." I say to her and she sighs.

"Always need a woman to do a man's job, please don't remind me of that idiot that my daughter married. She is weak and always chooses weak men. Alright I think I have someone in mind. I need her gone anyway as my money supply is running low and I need her fortune that is locked away. Say David baby how about throwing a few extra incentives this way for a friend?" She asked and I knew Priscilla's number one love in her life. It was money always been about the green for her.

"It depends on how big of the incentive, the Cordelano hit one of my warehouses. It has slow down production for me. But I do have Joseph in ICU clinging for life. So maybe it has been slow for them too. Look I can get you about twenty grand for right now. That should hold you over until the deal is done. Once Richard takes out those Jacksons and Nelsons I will need another favor." I say to her and she smiles.

"A begging man are we? And what will this favor be by chance?" She asked me.

"I need for you to get someone to kill my son. Richard has lost his way and he is going after Michael's wife. He will lose sight of everything we worked for and I cannot allow for this to happen. Besides he is not training my grandson Tommy right. He is teaching him like Vera used to and I can't have that. Besides he refuses to be a Johnson and no son of mine is going to willingly dispose of my name and of me." I say to her as she laughs.

"Children so ungrateful on how we used to take care of their snot nose asses all their life. No problem my friend it shall be done don't you worry no more. Prissy is back and I am going to take real good care of you David." She says before she holds my hand giving me a kiss on the lips.

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