13. The First Flare Of Trouble

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Lisa's Point Of View:

Priscilla: Hey Lisa I know this is the last person you want to hear from. I don't even deserve your forgiveness but I am asking for it. I am missing out on my grandchildren and their growth. I want you to know that things did not end well with me and Danny. He really does has an abrasive nature. Nevermind that I am hoping you can find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me. I would like for us to have lunch in a few days. I have some business out in L.A and I want us to meet and talk. I am still your mother Lisa and I care for you I do. The plot to kill you was all Danny's idea and I was trying my best to talk him out of it....

I looked at the message and wanted to laugh at the hypocrisy and boldness of the one they called Priscilla. She will never know my children nor will I allow her to get in. Whatever happen with her and Danny they both deserved it.

I remember hearing the both of them get excited on all the ways to get rid of me before they fucked on our living room couch. The same couch that Danny proposed to me on how befitting. I ignored the message for now as Prince had just arrived home from another day of work.

"Baby I'm home!!" He called out and likewise Imani and Amari beat me to the door as they tackled their father to the ground. Our daughter will almost be one and she is walking real good.

"Hi my munchkins I miss you and I miss you..." I watch him give the kids kisses and play with them making their smiles brighter. And my mother wanted to come and ruin this for me no doubt.

"Alright you two mama wants to get a hug in too..." I say walking up to them where his eyes locked with mine. I take a deep breath as every time I look at him my heart flutters.

"Mrs. Nelson I do believe I owe you this." He says pulling me in for such a deep kiss. I smile with it happy that we are no longer fighting and everything is perfect again.

"Ew daddy stop!!" Amari says tugging on my leg and I laugh.

"Seems like someone is jealous...so are you all ready for dinner?" I asked them scooping up my baby boy. I never thought I would be a mom after the life I lived. And now that I am one I realized my mother was never a mother.

I could never think to hurt or harm my children for any reason. There's not enough dick nor drugs in the world that would make me feel like that. I love them more than I love myself or my husband. A love my mother never held for me ever in life.

After dinner Prince put the kids down as I cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. I gave our staff the day off today because I just wanted some family time.

"Alright both kids are sleep now time for some adulting. Baby how about me and you plus the hot tub in like five minutes?" He says holding me by my waist.

"Hmph sounds tempting but before that I want you to read this and tell me what you think." I say to him passing my phone over with the text from my mother.

"Hell no she is not a mother and she will not come anywhere near my kids I forbid it!" He says getting angry.

"Whoa hold on baby I never said I was letting her near the kids at all. And I know she is has never been a mother to me. But what I was thinking was this would be closure for me. You know the first step in my counseling. Dr. Abrams said that I need to start facing some of my demons and she is definitely one of them..." I say to him turning now that I was finished cleaning.

"I'm sorry to blow up baby it was not directed to you at all its just... Your mother is a sore spot for me but if you think this is what you need to move on and feel better I support you a hundred percent. If you want I can go with you or we can even have a bodyguard with you because I definitely don't trust that woman. I will kill anyone who tries to harm you sweetheart. And you pick the restaurant because you could never be too safe..." He says kissing my neck and I giggle.

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