31. Laid To Rest

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Michael's Point Of View:

"What the fuck Jackson and Nelson!!! I can't keep covering your ass while you commit crimes!" Agent Washington says to me as I currently sit in federal interrogation with Prince.

"Oh because you're office is so good at bringing the culprits in? Where is Priscilla again?" Prince snickered back as I remain silent. His blood still on my hands and my mind roamed in Italy.

My father always said he wanted to take my mother to Florence. He told me it was something you did for the ones you love. You take them to all the cities and landmarks of love. He never got around to it because he was securing his legacy and now he never will.

"Look that's besides the point, the director wants to destroy your deal and haul your asses in for Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Kidnapping, Arms dealing, Drug Trafficking and a host of other charges...." He says and I begin to laugh. I let my mouthpiece erratically fly off unhinged as the thought of being under arrest tickled me pink.

"Jackson are you sane right now?" Agent Washington asked me.

"Tell your director she or he, how about we use the word they, there is more than one right? They can kiss my ass to the moon and back. These streets were sold and bought by our fathers hands and blood. Their bloodshed will be the mantle in which we drown all our enemies cemented them either in death or iron captivity. The iron grip I will have on this city will not heed to even your pencil pushing, suit wearing stuck up director. How about we know all about this little operation and every little detail don't you forget..." I say to him as I begin smirking.

"This division was created on the notion that you get your collar and we get the city?! Or did that fucker forget about the Grove bust of 1981? Or how about the Howell Downfall of 1975? Yeah let's not forget about the director being appointed on the strength of our father's contributions both Jackson and Nelson had a hand in putting those bitches in their seats!" I say sitting back.

"What do you expect us to do, we cannot have y'all running around rampant and wild no matter how many secrets you may know..." Agent Washington says sighing.

"We won't be running rampant and wild. I am going to obliterate them all. The Cordelanos, The Corven Cartel and anyone with enough gusto to come against the family..." I replied to him.

"Right don't forget who put the head of state in office just last year. The Corven Cartel is jealous by how much power our families have amassed. We have surpassed them to the point we can be the cartel ourselves. We are the most powerful family here in Los Angeles right now and it's a power you do not want to fuck with!" I say slamming my fist on the table leaving Richard's DNA there.

"At this point you two need to be looking to make a deal with us and not the other way around. Or maybe the public will like to know how the FBI makes their collars in this division?" Prince says and Agent Washington was at momentary loss of words.

"That won't be necessary Nelson, all these idle threats and now they have us at each other throats." The door opens and Director Gordon walks in. He was a six foot two man with salt and pepper hair, blue eyes, blonde hair and a Midwestern accent.

"Director Gordon, so they thought to drag your ass down here huh?" I asked him as he passed me some wipes.

"No I decided to come talk to the heated hotheads of my task force. Mike first wipe that blood off your hands. Secondly this whole they got us and so we gotta get them shit has got to stop. How the fuck are we going to keep this division if all of our collars end up dead? Where is our leverage for the public and for the head of state?" Director Gordon says and I sigh before I wiped my hands.

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