26. All That Crumbles...

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Michael's Point Of View:

Breaking News: An explosion has happened today in Downtown L.A. Prominent fortune 500 company Jackson Nelson Industries became a victim of a bomb casualty that destroyed the building within seconds and clearing the block off....so far there has been twenty injuries reported and one death. That of security guard Lamar Pierce who has worked for Mr. Jackson and his father for over forty years.....

I listened to the news as I woke up in a state of bliss that quickly fueled my anger and turn what was supposed to be a good day dark. Lamar wasn't hurting anybody and he took pride in his job. I sent my condolences plus some resources out to his family. Richard is hitting me up big and hard but I will get him.

"He can't do this baby, we got to do something!" My wife says to me as she was just as devastated as me when we heard the news.

"He won't get away with this but we got to move smart, I can't hit his building that will send off too many red flags. Flags that the feds won't be able to hold off. No I got to get him another way, the most vulnerable way. I need to infiltrate his house and I need to destroy everything inside.

I need it to look like it's been robbed but we won't take nothing. I already got the feds looking at him like a prime target for this whole mess so we need to make him look even more suspicious." I tell her and she nods.

"I can help baby I can...I can convince him to let me come over than-" I cut my wife off quickly.

"No that's not happening you are not going back over there Zyan. First of all that's what he wants he wants you to come to him so he can take you or worse torture you. Second that is where the horrible nightmare for you happen I won't let you go back and you haven't even dealt with that pain yet.

Finally it will mess up the plans I have with the feds. They are watching us baby and I am making Richard look like a fool the more he tells people you're his woman when in fact you are mine." I tell her holding her close to me. I love staring into her eyes and holding her skin in my hands.

"Don't worry I got someone already going over there, remember Detective Sasha who helped us turn Ike? Well she has been working with us and Eddie and they finally cracked his security system last night, while we was you know....

I am definitely appreciative that we were able to express our love like that. But She is actually going to go inside and fuck it up. Richard is being called in as part of the investigation into Lamar's death. His car was having trouble last night, mysteriously so I know he will take all of his security with him. So this will be the time to strike." I say to her as she nods and kiss my lips.

"Okay baby so what should I be doing?" She asked me.

"I've scheduled you an appointment for you with Dr. Taylor Montgomery so you can begin to heal from the trauma inflicted on you. I also scheduled and Prince scheduled Lisa classes too. You two will be doing self-defense and expert marksman training.

I want you to be able to take care of yourself even when I am not there. You are also going to be brushing up on some other things needed for this life." I tell her.

"You get to piss off my tormentor and I must sit back and go to training and therapy? Michael I am not too new to this. I went months without you by my side as I orchestrated all the plans to get you and Prince back from that demented bitch remember? I can handle myself as long as I am in the know." She argues.

"I know baby and that is my fault but I won't be making anymore mistakes with you or the kids. If I don't take care of you than you won't. It's more to this life than the killing and the power. Your mind got to be right or you will end up like Richard, Susan and Ike." I say as she gets quiet.

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