Chapter 9

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I heard my mom screaming my nickname for the 9th time, "Brit, come down now! What is taking you so long? Do you want us to consume all these pizzas and not left a single bite for you?" Her voice is louder than before and by that, I know what she means. When she says consume, she means it. No joke nor pranks. She's always so serious that you can't even pull up a joke to her anymore.

I immediately turned off my phone. TikTok has always been like this to me. The app makes me stop doing things just to procrastinate. "Coming!" I screamed. I have been screaming this word over and over but couldn't afford to look away from my phone.

My feet met the staircase as I made my way downstairs.

Here we go again.

Hustle mode on...

"What were you doing up there? What was taking you so long?" She frustrated asked with a frown and my dad, smirked at her, making fun of me again. Dad became my sidekick when it comes to creating alibis as a weapon for my mom's madness when we were fighting. Thus, dad knows my secrets and I know his. But, he's still strict with me, especially when it comes to boys.

"She was watching boys with abs on TikTok," Eros teasingly smirked as he laughed and dad did the same thing. "Shut up! I was making a project!" I lied. Without hesitating, knowing that mom and dad were watching me, my palm met his head when I pushed his head harshly.

I rolled my eyes and took the seat next to him. I wish that I don't have to. I can, because there are visitor seats in front of us but when mom says a word, she means it. Only visitors are allowed to sit there. "What was your project? Create a photo book of boys working out?" Dad almost spat the water he was drinking but he tried not to laugh out loud.

I rolled my eyes, again. He always makes me do that. I hate this jerk right here. I stepped on his feet. "Ouch!" He screamed and I grinned like a devil. I flipped my hair and acted like I didn't mean it. "Oh, didn't see your foot there, sorry not sorry," dad shook his head. A little proud but disappointed at me.

Did he forget that he's the one who taught me how to fight back?

Mom aggressively huffed. By that, I know what it means without her even saying, "that's enough" but there she went, already said it so I stopped. "You are siblings. Should be helping each other and not teasing each other," I started to look down at the plate above the table where my hands are placed.

"He started it," I gulped.

"What? You started it!" He defended himself like he always does.

"No, I would never start a fight. God knows that mom knows that, and dad knows that. Everybody does!" I placed my hands on my chest and twisted them together.

"I would never start a fight too, so technically, you started this." Some people really have thick faces. He's an example. Bad example to be honest.

"I said, that's enough!" After being so shocked when mom stood from her seat and tapped the table aggressively, my skin began having dots on it. Goosebumps.

I looked at Eros who turns out is now looking at me too. With a smirk, he laughed a little, secretly. Seeing him laugh like that makes me laugh. This is us. Siblings like what mom said. We fight, and after a fight, we laugh when we look at each other we laugh for no reason.

"Nothing's funny you brats!" She screamed again and sat back on her chair.

I'm used to this attitude of hers. Well, I admit it's our fault that we always make her mad like this.

Dad grabbed the pizza box, but before he was able to get one slice, mom immediately stopped him by stroking his hand. It was pretty hard. "Ouch!" He reacted. Mom gave a fake smile. Eros and I looked at each other. We both know what that smile of mom means. She figured out another one of dad's secrets. That's why he should be extra careful when it comes to hiding his secrets.

"No pizza for tonight, because I just figured out, you're the one who broke my favorite plate. Gosh, I even blamed Britney for that when she's really innocent about it!" She grabbed the pizza from dad's hands and took a slice then smiled at me as she placed two slices of them on my plate.

"Babe, let's talk about this later, I'm just really hungry," if you ask me what my favorite show is, this is it. Mom-and-dad fight. Not the serious ones but the funny and little ones. It's kind of a different talk when it's about their serious fights which barely happen.

"Fine, but you can only eat one slice of pizza tonight unless you buy me a new plate. As good as the one you broke," I guess that's what I got from her. Being competitive and being strong. Not all the time though. "Before we eat, I would like to make an announcement." He stated and smiled. I was about to eat the pizza until he spoke.

I froze with my mouth wide open, looking at him. "My sister, Edna has plenty of business stuff here in our city but as we all know, they live a little farther from here, so, he asked me if I can help. I decided to help her since she's my older sister. And the least I can do is to give her a house for her ten-weekend stay here in our city with her family. I told her that she can stay here for ten weekends or more or less."

I gulped. I love auntie Edna and her husband. Like what I said before, I am close to them. Not to their son though. "You mean Nate's mom?" He nodded.

Time to panic.

He just said she and her family.

"So, Nate will come too?" Before I ask the question, Eros already did.

"Yeah, all of them." He answered and took the first bite of his pizza.

"Yes!" He celebrated. They're close to each other.

"So you're telling me that Nate, from my school, will stay here for ten weekends which makes it two months and a half? That's quite long," he nodded after that statement.

"Your sister Edna? Well, I love her. I don't see any problem with her and her family staying here," mom calmly spoke. She doesn't see any problem but I do.

What was that?

Nate from my school is going to live here in our house for ten weekends?

This is the end of the world.

Author's Note:

I'm on a diet. I feel bad, I haven't even eaten breakfast and lunch yet. Just waiting for dinner so I can finally eat my oatmeal!!!

Take care of yourselves please because I can't afford knowing that one of you guys are not okay...

Love you all so much!!!

>333333 chain!

See you next time! Mwuah!

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