Chapter 54

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After the girl who was barely wearing clothes walked around while raising a spherical sign saying fight; the show started. Nate punched the topless guy he was fighting with. He was shirtless as well. And I should not deny it, yet I can't. He is hot without a shirt. So, therefore, girls always follow him around because of this.

Darn, I've said this before and now I'm thinking of it again. The guy punched him back and attacked his face. Ouch. That hurts. But Nate seems to not get bothered at all. He looks like he doesn't even get hurt by all the punches he takes from the guy. Instead, he punches him back again and again.

The show went on. Nate punches the guy, and the other punches him back. Exchange of pain. I almost closed my eyes every time he gets hurt. Even if he's that bad, no one deserves to be hurt like this. I gulped all the saliva left in my mouth. I can't even imagine this thing happening.

When he told me he has a job that can help him get money for a new car, I thought he had a nice and decent job. Like a proper job and not an illegal one like this where he risks his life.

"This isn't good," I whispered, making Kobie narrow at me with a slight smirk on his face. "Just trust your cousin," he winked. I can't believe Shane told him. Well, nevertheless, I trust him.

I watched as Nate fell to the ground after hardly being punched by the other guy. Due to being shocked, I wasn't able to stop myself but stand. An "o" was formed by my mouth again. My eyes widened the moment I saw his rival punch him again though he was already knocked out. The pretty face is now a bruised face. But not to contradict it that he still looks good.

"We have a winner!!!" The host rushed to the stage and grabbed the other guy's hand and raised it; didn't even help Nate who struggled to stand up by himself. Some of the audience stood up and clapped their hands, some who placed a bet on Nate walked out disappointedly and I was frozen at the time that I saw that no one helped him.

Without thinking, or regarding the bad things that he did to me before, I ran to the stage and grabbed his arm, and let him lean on me as he walked down the small steps of the stairs. "Kobie! Help!" I screamed. No one else helped. They just watched us carry the one they set a bet on earlier.

This proves that humanity is destroyed especially in an illegal environment such as this one. "God! You're so heavy!" I complained. I heard Kobie slightly laughing but I ignored it. "How are we going to make our way through that huge crowd?" I asked, panicking that we won't make it out there.

Nate has a few bruises on his face. But his body is not damaged. Maybe a few layers of makeup would cover them up. "Kobie, show her the exit," even if he was weak, I still clearly heard his cold voice.

He nodded and helped me carry him to the exit door where not many people were at. We made our way out of the dark stairs and reached the restaurant dining area where we came earlier. I can't see the fat guy we encountered earlier. I just thought maybe I can ask for his help to heal my cousin's face.

Kobie opened the door and we helped Nate sit on the back seat. I shut the door and Kobie starts the car for some air-conditioning. "You're not okay," I sighed. Despite all the bruises he got, he can still smile. Very talented. "I am, just not like how I was earlier," Kobie lets out a peal of small laughter and I did the same.

He can joke with his bruised face. "Stop laughing there, and go get a medicine kit or buy one somewhere," I eyed him and shook his head.

I watched him lean forward in the front seat and grab a plastic box with a red cross sign on top of it. "Wow," I smirked. I didn't expect that he has prepared a first-aid kit already. Being prepared is rare with guys.

"Perks of having an overprotective older sister," Shane's not that over-protective as I can see. Or maybe he just has a different outlook on his sister.

He opened the kit and I watched him get a bandage as he handed one to me. I took it then poured some medicine to medicate the bruises on Nate's face.

I'm not an expert but when I was a kid, I'm sort of the type of a girl who fights back when kids try to bully me. I wish I'm still that type of girl. In a good way...

So, back then, I always get bruises and mom treats them. I learned a lot from watching her. "Ouch," he expressed.

I smirked.

"That's what you get for doing something too dangerous," I shook my head.

"Should I be the one to say sorry?" He asks.

"Sort of..." I shrugged. We all laugh for a moment until my eyes got locked on Nate's honey ones. I tried to avoid looking at them but he kept staring at me, making me stare at him back.

Out of the blue, his cold, deep, and icy voice played like music again. "Britney..." he whispers. I looked up at him, "yeah?"

The smile on his face grew when I froze to focus on his eyes. "Thank you," is he thanking me right now? Well, this is the most suspicious thing in the world! "That's suspicious," I smiled.

Kobie in the background, couldn't help but laugh at the nippy conversation I and Nate had. "For real and serious, I just want to thank you for helping heal my wounds though I did too many bad things to you..." it makes the innermost dark part of me light up more than it should have. It also makes my nerves shake and my heart once again wants to break the walls of my chest. This shouldn't be.

"I hope you guys know that I'm here trying to escape from being jealousy because of the sweetness going on right now," finally. Kobie breaks the awkward silence.

Nate laughs. I love that laugh. But I had better not. Nathan Maddox: the guy who's cooler than ice and sweeter than honey.

Author's Note:

I feel bad for Nate getting bruised right now ☹ but he will get well soon. And I hope so. What's good is that he's so sweet to Britney!!! WAAAHHH!!!

Love you all so much!!!

>333333 chain!

See you next time! Mwuah!

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