Chapter 8

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The nurse got up from her seat, opening the curtain. The sound made the boys all look over. She closed the curtain behind her, sighing. She looked at the boys, sliding her glasses up to the top of her head.

"How is she? Will she be okay?" Jake asked her, sounding worried.

"Well, it all depends on what you mean by okay," she said, walking over to her desk.

"I mean if she's not injured or hurt," Jake frowned in annoyance.

She put her clipboard on her desk, before sitting down and sighing again.

"I'll be honest with you, boys. She's not okay. Before she was transferred here, I was faxed her medical records. Both physical and mental. I found that she'd undergone several emotional traumas a year ago, which caused her to be rendered mute. The paperwork I was given, didn't go in depth of what exactly that trauma was. But, it was severe enough, that it caused physical damage to her heart. She has coronary heart disease. It can't be cured, but it can be treated so she can live with it, for as long as she can. I'm surprised she's gone this long without any treatment."

Hearing this news, the boys all looked at each other silently. They all had the same look. Worry. They looked back to the nurse, frowning.

"She wasn't on any medicine before?" Jay asked, frowning more.

"No, she wasn't. The only medicine she's taking, is an anti depressant and an anti psychotic. But, that's all. You guys have been with her since she arrived. Have any of you noticed any possible signs of her heart problem?" The nurse asked, looking at all of them.

They were all quiet for a moment, before either spoke.

"Well, earlier on the way to class, she looked like she was having pains in her chest. We tried to see if we should've brought her here. But, she gestured to us that she was fine. We didn't think it was serious. I thought it might have been a bit of anxiety from being at a new school," Riki admitted, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I see. Well, unfortunately, it wasn't something as simple as that. But, she's here now. The best I can do is keep an eye on her condition. Give her some medicine to hopefully help lessen the pain. She'll be okay to go in the morning. But, I'd advise bringing her back every other week for me to check on her health. If she fights against it, you need to bring her anyway. Once she wakes up, I'll explain the severity to her. Hopefully, she'll be cooperative."

The nurse got up from her desk and went to the medicine cabinet, to search for a specific type of medicine. She mumbled to herself while she looked. While she did this, the guys exchanged looks.

"Oh, one more thing. I'd suggest that all of you make sure to be around her as much as possible. Just in case something might happen, then she'd be with one or all of you."

"Yes, ma'am."

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