Chapter 21

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The weekend had passed by pretty quickly. By the time Monday came around, nobody was ready for it to end. But, it was already done. Nefeli had left her bag back at the dorm, so she made a quick run to get it. She was on her way back now, sighing in relief that she'd remembered. Her homework was in it. Had she not realized, she would've been humiliated. And that wouldn't have been very fun. She walked through the hallway, trying to make it back before the bell rang. She didn't want to be late.

A pair of hands suddenly shoved her roughly from behind, making her fall to her knees. She gasped out softly, as pain shot up her legs from the fall. The sound of laughter filled her ears. She looked up and saw that male student and his friends again. The others had told her that his name was Victor and he was a huge bully to several other students as well. But, he mainly liked to pick on the girls for whatever reason.

"Oh look, it's the girl who can't talk. Now we know why she didn't apologize. Because the pathetic little human can't even talk properly," Victor chuckled as he grinned down at her.

She frowned and got to her feet. She ignored them and walked around them. Or, she tried to. One of his friends grabbed her roughly by her uniform jacket, causing her to come to an abrupt stop.

"Not so fast, little bunny rabbit. Where do you think you're going? You didn't think we'd let you go to class without us finishing what we started, did you?" Victor chuckled, putting a heavy hand on her shoulder.

Him and his friends laughed. They were terrible, dark, evil laughs. Nefeli looked at them in fear and tried to run away, but one of his friends grabbed her roughly around the waist, lifting her up. She gasped softly and struggled in his grip.

"Lucky for us, you're mute. Which means, we can do whatever we want to you, and you won't scream," his friend snickered.

This made Victor laugh and stand in front of her.

"You're right, Hunter. She can't scream. And that means nobody will hear her. We should totally take advantage of this situation. Let's go to the nightball field."

When classes ended, Jake came out into the hallway, frowning. Nefeli hadn't come back from going to get her bag. It made him worry that maybe she ended up feeling sick again and stayed in the dorm. But, he felt like if that was that case, she would have texted him or one of the others. While he was worrying about this, the others joined him.

"What's got you so worried? Where's Nefeli?" Seonwoo asked, seeing she wasn't with him.

"I don't know. Before class started, she forgot her bag and went back to the dorm to get it. But, she never came back," Jake sighed.

"Maybe she felt sick and laid down," Sunghoon suggested.

"No, that's not it. If she did, she would have said something to one of us. And I'm assuming she didn't message any of you?" Jake asked, looking at his friends.

They all shook their heads, confirming his suspicions. They were all about to go check the dorm, to be sure she didn't just forget to say something.

"Hey, guys! Do you want to go eat lunch together?" Kai said, running over and throwing his arms around Riki in excitement.

They were back from their small vacation they'd taken.

"We were actually going to go see if Nefeli was back at our dorm. She never came back to class after going to get her bag," Jake said to them.

"Well, we'll go with you and then we can all walk back for lunch together," Soobin suggested. Everyone agreed that this was a good plan.

Victor and his friends walked down the hallway, in their direction. But, they didn't care about the group. They were too caught up in themselves. All of them were laughing loudly and giving each other slaps on the back, as if congratulating each other on something. Everyone was about to go back to the dorm, when Victor walked by with his friends.

A familiar whiff suddenly hit Taehyun right in the face. He knew that smell. And since him and the others weren't human either, that smell was really strong for him. It wasn't like the brief passing scent of somebody walking by. It was like walking into a brick wall, head on. And that was a smell he's smelled once before. The second he recognized it, he lost his temper.

Taehyun suddenly grabbed Victor by the throat and slammed him into a wall, making a large crack go up to the ceiling. It made students gasp and either run away or stop and stare to see what was going on. The others acted quickly.

"Tae, what are you doing? Let him go," Soobin exclaimed, grabbing his friend's arm. But, he was ignored.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Taehyun growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about, man. Let me go!" Victor said, clearly terrified.

"Don't lie to me! What did you do?"

Taehyun slammed his head into the wall, making another crack appear.

"I can smell her on you! You reek of her! What did you do?" he shouted, fangs growing in his mouth.

"Her, who? Bro, I don't know what's going on. Just let me go, okay?" Victor begged, his voice shaking.

This only pissed Taehyun off more, which wasn't good. He pulled Vuctor away from the wall and threw him through a nearby classroom window, the glass shattering. He crashed into several desks, knocking them over and hitting the floor. He groaned in pain. Taehyun walked over, grabbing him by the face in a tight and painful grip.

"If you don't tell me what you did to her, I will make sure to send you home to every member of your family, with you torn into pieces. One piece for every family member you've got. So, I suggest you tell me what the hell you did."

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