Chapter 14

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Once everyone had finished their homework, and had a nice filling dinner, they all decided to finally go to bed. By the time they did that, the sun was already beginning to peak over the mountains. Nefeli laid in her bed, staring up at the dark ceiling. She'd closed her curtains tightly, and used a spare blanket to hang over them, so there wouldn't be any light to disturb her later.

Now, she was quietly lying in bed, with her blankets over her. She listened to the quiet and gentle ticking of a small clock that was positioned above her dresser. She could hear the muffled sounds of birds chirping outside her window.

She sighed softly and closed her eyes, rolling over on to her side. She pulled one of her pillows close to her chest, breathing softly. Doing this, helped her to relax and not think about her brother. And if she did think about him, it would help having a pillow against her, because it would feel like it was preventing the pain in a way. Her breaths left her, in a small and calm fashion. She made sure that her mind was cleared, so she wouldn't stress about that, instead of getting some sleep. It could be easy sometimes. Other times, she couldn't get her brain to shut up.

Luckily, today seemed to be an easy day for her. All she had to do, was focus on her breathing and how it felt, rather than let thoughts in. And she took deep and long breaths, to make it an easier focal point.

Nefeli had eventually done it long enough, that she was getting lost in the rhythm of it all. Her quiet breathing filled her room, syncing with the gentle ticking. She had a gentle, but still firm grip, on the pillow that was against her chest. She could faintly feel her heart beating steadily against it. The familiar feeling of falling asleep, came to her. Her grip on her pillow was slowly loosening. Her breathing was getting slower. She was losing herself, ready to fall into sleep.

Until she saw blinding yellow and orange flames. That was all it took.

Nefeli gasped, opening her eyes quickly. When she did, she was met with her dark room. She stared at the wall, a soft sigh leaving her lips. She closed her eyes again, but not to sleep. More out of frustration. She raised a hand, running it over her face. Great, she wasn't going to sleep. That was usually a sign she wouldn't be able to. She let go of the pillow and sat up in bed. She rubbed her face again, before running her hands through her hair. She slid out of bed and went over to her closet. She got dressed in some pants and a baggy hoodie. She slipped on her shoes and quietly opened her door. She slipped out, leaving the dorm room silently.

Once she was out in the hallway, she made her way to the school library.

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