Chapter 57

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A loud gasp suddenly left Nefeli's lips. She opened her eyes, breathing hard, her heart racing. She stared up at her bedroom ceiling. She swallowed a huge lump in her throat. After a few seconds, she sat up, looking around. Nothing and nobody. She got out of bed, pulling on her shoes and leaving her dorm, heading to the library. She hoped somebody was there, because she had to make sure it didn't actually happen. She made it to the library and quickly pushed the doors open, going inside. The sound of the doors closing heavily, got the attention of Seonwoo, who had just gotten a book from one of the shelves. When he saw it was her, he was a little surprised, but got over it. He replaced it with a slightly annoyed look.

"Why are you in here? We told you that we--!"

He was cut off, when she ran over and threw her arms around his middle. This caught him off guard, but he had to keep up the act, just in case Jihoon was around.

"What the hell are you doing? Get off of me," he snapped at her. When she didn't move, he tried again. "I said to get off. I don't--"

"I thought Riki was dead."

Seonwoo stopped when those words left her mouth. He frowned, loosening his hold on the book slightly. But, he said nothing. He didn't know what to say to that. She gripped the back of his uniform jacket tightly.

"I.. I had a nightmare. I came in here to see you or the others.. Riki were dead. I.. I tried to give him my blood, but it didn't work. That's when Jihoon showed up and told me that he killed Riki because he caught him trying to come see me. When I asked him why, he said that the threat to kill me, he said it was all alie. That he only used that to get all of you to listen to him. And then he.. he killed me. That's when I woke up. I was.. I was afraid that it had really happened, so I came here. I needed to make sure that it was only a dream."

Seonwoo frowned again, but he remaining quiet. Nefeli sniffled, looking up at him, her eyes red and glistening with tears. He tried his best not to look at her, due to being worried about Jihoon being nearby and watching. When he didn't acknowledge anything she'd said, she frowned. She should've known that he wouldn't be able to do anything. But, she had at least hoped. It was alright, though. She knew it was for the best. She just needed to be sure. She slowly let go of him, stepping away from him, looking at the library floor.

"I um.. I'm just glad it was just a dream and not real. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll get going, now. Sorry again for the disturbance," Nefeli said softly.

She bowed to him, just before turning away. Seonwoo finally looked up and watched her. He gripped his book, feeling anger rising up inside of him. He hated that he couldn't comfort her. She'd come to him, scared and crying, needing help, and he couldn't even do anything. He had to be rude and make her leave. She needed him, but he was unable to be there for her.

Nefeli left the library, stepping out into the hallway. As soon as the doors had closed behind her, she released a sigh. She was relieved to know that Riki was alive and still okay. But, she was a little hurt Seonwoo didn't comfort her. She knew it wasn't his fault, she didn't blame him. She blamed Jihoon. All of this was his fault. After a minute, she made her way down the hall, so she could return to her dorm. Despite having that bad dream, she still needed to sleep. As much as the thought of sleep scared her, she knew she needed the rest.

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