Chapter 13

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After classes had ended for the night, the group returned to their dorm. All of them sat at the table in the main part of their shared dorm, so they could do homework together. Except for her. She was sitting at the table, distracted and in her own world. She wasn't even paying the slightest bit of attention. She was staring out of the window, her chin resting in her hand. The moon was full and was casting a bright spotlight over the campus.

Nefeli kept thinking about what had happened at lunch. She couldn't get that moment out of her head. She didn't know why she hadn't noticed how handsome or attractive Sunghoon was. Why was that? She wanted to test that theory with the others, to see if it was just him or not. She took her attention away from the moon and looked at the other boys, studying them carefully, one by one.

Seonwoo was focused on his work, with his cheeks puffed out slightly, in a small pout. Even his lips were pouty. The way his faded pink hair fell over his forehead, made her realize she was noticing his looks as well. He changed his expression into pursing his lips, while squinting cutely at his paper.

Riki was doing more of a glare at his own homework. He had his face in a slight grimace. His beautifully slanted eyes, made him look like a doll. He reached up and frustratingly ruffled up his hair, groaning loudly. He dropped his hands and leaned his chair back, sighing in defeat. He laid his head against the back of the chair, closing his eyes. Yep, she was also seeing his looks.

Jay was also glaring at his work, sighing heavily. He was clicking his pen at a rapid pace, grimacing at whatever problem was written in the book. He was grumbling to himself, about how stupid it was. He brushed his other hand through his black hair, groaning quietly. After a moment, he dropped his pen and head on the table, giving up like Riki. His looks also stood out to her.

Jungwon was the only one who seemed to be hiding all of his frustrations at his homework. He had a look of just wanting to get it over with. He was scribbling his pencil on his paper. He had a hand on his cheek, with a calm look on his face. She also noticed his lips were curled into a slight smile. His dimple was present as well, which was a sign of his smile.

Heeseung was staring down at his work, with the bottom of his pen on his mouth. He was chewing on it in silent focus, with his eyebrows furrowed slightly. His lips were curled around the pen, as if he had a straw in his mouth. He also had a relaxed look on his face, not bothered by his work.

Jake was probably the only one who had an active smile on his face. It was a small one, but slighter bigger than Jungwon's. She could only guess that it was math related. When he was helping her with her math homework, he couldn't stop smiling. She guessed that he liked math. While studying him, she noticed that his lips were like a heart shape. He wasn't doing a big smile, but when he was, his entire face would smile with him. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, still smiling at his work.

When Nefeli looked away and back to the moon, she realized it. It wasn't just Sunghoon; She'd just noticed how all of them were attractive. She didn't understand it.

Why was she only just now noticing this? Why didn't she see it before? Maybe it was because she didn't really bother? She was a bit too focused on herself for the first couple of days. That could be a factor.

When she first got here, she knows that they came off as slightly annoying at first. Because most of them had teased her during their first encounter. Then, she was focused and worried about that run in with that student who had hit her. Then, it was her nightmare and that figure. Then, her being in the school infirmary. She was quite busy and distracted with all of that, it didn't exactly leave room for her to see them properly. But, now she was.

All of them were attractive in their own different ways. Even the two youngest, Riki and Jungwon, were handsome in their own way.

Nefeli sighed softly, shaking her head. She couldn't think about how all of them looked. She needed to focus on more important things. Like homework and her classes. She didn't have time to think about boys. High school should be when she starts thinking about boys. Not college. But, then again, she wasn't given much of a chance to think about boys back then. Even a year ago, when she still had her brother... She didn't have time then, either.

She was always so caught up in being with him and their mother and being happy, she didn't have the need for boys. But now, it's like all of that she missed out on, was suddenly crashing down on to her shoulders. Like she was caught in a strong current, that was pulling her towards boys. Specifically these boys.

Nefeli shook her head again, frowning to herself. No, she can't think about them or anything else. She should only be thinking about her work and school. And focusing on herself and her health. Thinking about boys would only be a stressor. And the nurse said to try and avoid them.

Boys were a great one way ticket to stressors. So, she needed to avoid thinking about them. Not only that, despite noticing how attractive they were, she only saw these boys as her friends. She didn't want to see them any other way, because it might ruin their friendship with her. That was the last thing she wanted. Especially is a big school like this. It would be the worst if she was navigating it alone. So, she came to a decision.

They'd only be her friends.

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