Chapter 47

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Nefeli had spent the entire day with the guys. She had started to feel better, since she'd been pretty depressed over losing her other group of friends. So, finding out she didn't lose more, was a relief to her and made her feel less sad. Later on, she had just left her dorm and was making her way to class. They'd all made it back about an hour before their classes were scheduled to start. Talk about arriving in the nick of time. Thankfully, when they'd come back, Beomgyu had helped her finish the math homework she'd been having problems with. Now, she didn't have to worry about getting a failing grade for not turning it in. While she was walking down the hall, she was sorting through some of her past notes, making sure she had them all. She had a test in one of her later classes and she needed the notes for it. Nefeli accidentally bumped into one of the students, due to being so busy and so immersed in looking through her notes. She gasped softly as the two of them made contact with each other.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention at all, please forgive me," she said quickly, bowing her head to them. God, she was such an idiot and a klutz. She should've waited until she was in class to look for these notes.

When the student didn't answer her, she looked up. As soon as she did, she understood why they'd not responded. Sunghoon was standing in front of her. He looked away from her, avoiding any eye contact with her. She noticed the book on the floor, realizing she must've knocked it out of his hands. She bent down, picking it up and brushing off the hardback cover. She handed it to him.

"I'm sorry again for bumping into you," she said softly.

He looked at her again, reaching out and snatching the book out of her hands. She flinched slightly as he did this. He gave her a slightly annoyed look. It was different from his usual friendly look. He was either smiling or having a really focused expression. She never really saw him frown too much, unless he was focusing or his attention was elsewhere. But, even then, that was a different frown. This one was more annoyed and angry.

"Watch where you're going. And don't touch my things, either. I don't want a human contaminating my stuff. Next time, pay attention," Sunghoon said, his words coming out venomously.

Nefeli stayed quiet as he pushed his way passed her, walking down the hall in the opposite direction. A couple of students who had been watching, began whispering to each other, but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Was Sunghoon just rude to her?"

"I wonder what happened?"

"It must have been something pretty bad. Sunghoon is never angry or rude to people."

"I guess she did something to really piss him off."

Nefeli frowned and fixed the bag on her shoulder, ignoring the whispers and walking to class. It's fine. It was only whispering. Just like her first day at Decelis. It's no different from that, aside from the students whispering about something else. She finally made it to class and walked inside. There were already a few students inside. Some were quietly reading, some were trying to rush finishing their homework, and others were all talking. She walked over to her desk, pulling out the chair, and sitting down. Next to her, Jake was talking with some male students, laughing about whatever. One of them noticed her in the desk and scoffed, nudging Jake.

"Look who it is. She actually has the nerve to sit next to you," he laughed.

Jake looked at her in her desk. His smile slowly faded. Another one of the guys gently shook him.

"Bro, tell her to move! She has no right to sit with you. You're on the student council, you only deserve to sit next to people who are respectful," he said.

"I don't really care where she sits. As long as she doesn't talk to me," Jake said, turning away from her and pulling out his homework.

His remark made the guys laugh and started whooping. One of them went up to Nefeli, who was sitting quietly. He roughly pushed her head downwards, making her gasp softly. He did this a couple of more times, before their teacher walked in. Him and the others hurried to their seats.

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