2. The Walk To History Class

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Evelyn woke up with a grin on her face, today was the day she was going to audition for Romeo and Juliet, Hawkins High decided to put on a play.

Evelyn wanted to play Juliet however she wouldn't care if she didn't get the role, she would just like to be a part of it.

Evelyn got out of her bed and headed to her bathroom and got ready for the day.

Evelyn went out of the bathroom, towel over her body as she went to pick out clothes for the day. Evelyn decided to wear a dress with floral patterns on it and a white long sleeve shirt.

Evelyn also decided to wear her cheerleader shorts just in case. Evelyn grabbed a denim jacket and headed down the stairs with her things and was greeted by no one but saw a note on the fridge.

"Hey Ev, it's mom and dad. We had to go to work this morning but if you're hungry you know wjay to do, we trust you. Love you, see you tonight.- Mom and Dad.

Evelyn smiled at the note before she made some waffles and went out of the house and got on her bike to go to school.

As Evelyn was riding to school, a car later pulled aside her. Evelyn didn't take notice of this but Ryan who was skateboarding slowly behind did, he heard the guys whistle at her, he saw her stick the finger at them and he watched them drive away perhaps mad.

The two kids made it to school in one piece. They went to their lockers, Evelyn saw the audition paper for the play, and once she finished putting her stuff away.

She went up to sign up as she was signing she was surprised to see Nancy's name there, unaware of the Henderson boy waiting for his turn to sign up.

Evelyn finished signing up and went to find Nancy at her locker, Evelyn found Nancy and Barb. Evelyn and Barb weren't friends but they weren't strangers. Evelyn sent a small wave to Barb and she smiled.

"We just made out a couple of times," Nancy revealed to Barbara and Evelyn.

"We just made out a couple of times." Barb mimicked which made Evelyn giggle lightly. "Nance, seriously, you're going to be so cool now, it's ridiculous," Barb stated to which Evelyn nodded.

"No, I'm not." Nancy reasoned.

"You better hang out with us," Barb gestured to herself and Evelyn. "That's all I'm saying." Nancy sent her a look, she continued, "If you become friends with Tommy H or Carol-"

"Oh, That's gross." Nancy cut Barb off. "Okay, I'm telling you, it was a one time..." Nancy started as she opened her locker she saw Evelyn and Barbara raise their eyebrows, with Barb raised both while Evelyn raised one. "Two-time thing." Nancy finished.

Once Nancy opened her locker she saw a note, she opened it and it read "Meet Me. Bathroom" from Steve.

Barb spoke, "You were saying?" Evelyn held a smirk as Nancy just smiled.

Evelyn and Barb were going to history class as Ryan stepped out in front of them, the girls were confused.

Ryan spoke, "Hey Evelyn, I saw your name on the auditions sheet."

Barb took this as her cue to leave and she went to history class by herself.

"Uh yeah, I signed up. It's Romeo and Juliet I'm a sucker for that play! And I want to be cast as Juliet but I wouldn't cry if I didn't get cast as Juliet, I would like to be part of the play." Ryan watched as the girl rambled about the play, he smiled.

"I signed up too, I hope to get the part of Romeo but like you, I would just like to take part in the play." Now it was Evelyn's turn to smile at his words.

"Oh well I hope to see you tomorrow during tryouts but now I have to go to-" Evelyn started.

"History, I have that class too, we can walk together." Ryan cut her off.

"I would like that." Evelyn smiled which made Ryan warm inside and the two students walked to class.

The two walked into class and they took a seat, Evelyn sat next to Barb.

Barb whispered in her ear, "Are you having a thing with him like Nancy and Steve?"

"Barb, it's not like that." Evelyn chuckled but as soon as class started, Evelyn was distracted and was caught staring at Ryan by Barb.

Barb smirked, and whispered to herself "Sure it is."

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