16. The Outburst

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MS. KELLY sat down at her desk, staring at the student opposite to her, Evelyn Smith.

"So Evelyn, How do you feel since it's well you know almost been a year since," The woman trailed off.

"My mom's death." Evelyn finished for her. "I'm fine, really."

"If you were, we wouldn't be having this conversation Evelyn and you know that. It's not easy to get over someone but you can't just shove it down like it never happened." Ms. Kelly explained.

Evelyn sighed, she knew Ms. Kelly was right but she didn't want to admit it.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Evelyn mumbled. "I just don't like talking about it and we didn't really end on a good note before well," Evelyn trailed off.

"Before she was mauled by that bear?" Ms. Kelly finished for Evelyn, who nodded.

"Yeah, that." Evelyn mentally cursed the public for making it seem like her mom died to a bear, out of all things. I mean, no one would believe her if she said that her mom really died from something that came from a fantasy game.

"How have you and your dad been coping?" Ms. Kelly asked.

"Not well, just this morning I um saw him, he had tears dried on his face as if he just lost the best thing in his life, which he did," Evelyn answered, truthfully.

"Oh, and how did you respond?" She asked.

"Can you just stop?" Evelyn snapped.

Ms. Kelly was taken aback, "Stop what? Evelyn, I'm only trying to help."

"By making it worse!" Evelyn got up from her seat. "You think I like coming here every day to get reminded of what happened to my mom? I hate it, I hate how everyone just moved past it, I hate it how they all see it as an accident when it wasn't, I just hate all of it!" Evelyn ranted, and tears began to come down her face. "Why her out of all people? She didn't do anything wrong! She was a doctor, a wife, a mother, a friend!"

"Evelyn, I, I'm sorry, I didn't know how you felt." Ms. Kelly began to hug the girl.

"No one knows how I feel, they can't know." Evelyn cried in her arms.

"You can't bottle up your feelings and throw them away Evelyn, you have to confront them, confront your feelings and they'll go away, I promise." Ms. Kelly talked to the girl.

"They're just so big, I just want to hide away from them," Evelyn spoke in a whisper.

"Evelyn, listen to me. It's going to get better soon, alright? But right now all you have to do is to confront those dark feelings you kept deep down and let them out in whatever way possible." Ms. Kelly told Evelyn. (If only she hasn't...)

"Yeah, yeah, I'll try." Evelyn showed a slight smile.

"That's the spirit, now head back to class," Ms. Kelly gave Evelyn a pass.

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