14. The Party

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MARIA CAMPBELL was the total drama nerd at Hawkins High, it currently helped that she was graduating that year and wouldn't have to deal with bullies or guys cat-calling her (*coughs* Billy freaking Hargrove and Tommy so gay H *coughs*)

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MARIA CAMPBELL was the total drama nerd at Hawkins High, it currently helped that she was graduating that year and wouldn't have to deal with bullies or guys cat-calling her (*coughs* Billy freaking Hargrove and Tommy so gay H *coughs*)

She was putting her books in her locker when someone approached her, but she didn't see their face.

She had only assumed who it was when she spoke. "Can I just get one day where you leave me alone?" Maria slammed her locker but regretted it when she realized who it was.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Just thought you were someone else, that's all." Maria quickly apologized.

The person only laughed. "You're so cute, Maria."

Maria's face flushed at their words. "I'll see you later, behind the school?"

"Yeah, see you there." They patted Maria on the back and left.

Maria looked at the retreating figure and headed to class when she saw a familiar face heading in her direction.

"Maria, hey." Evelyn waved.

"Hey," Maria smiled. "You going to Tina's Halloween party tonight?" She held up her flyer.

"Oh that, uh I gotta study tonight." Evelyn shook her head.

"You're not going Evelyn, but Ryan is going." Nancy crept up on Evelyn, who jumped.

"Well, believe it or not, my grade for chemistry this semester matters more." Evelyn glared at Nancy.

"Wait, you have a crush on Ryan?" Maria asked.

"Uh, I-, No-" Evelyn started.

"She so does," Nancy cut her off. "And I'm going to tell Ryan you said that chemistry matters more than him." teased.

"But you guys have chemistry already, why study?" Maria watched the blush rise to Evelyn's cheeks.

"Ugh, I hate you guys," Evelyn muttered.

"No, no you don't." Maria countered.

"We'll stop teasing you if you come to the party," Nancy offered before thinking of an idea. "Dressed as Gwen Stacy,"

"What? No!" Evelyn scoffed. "I can't dress up as Gwen Stacy," Evelyn rambled.

"But you would have pulled off the outfit Ms. Byers made for you so well," Nancy begged.

"Fine, I'll go dressed as Gwen Stacy only if you stop whining." Evelyn pointed at Nancy before looking at Maria. "And if you tell me who you're going as,"

"Maria tell her please," Nancy shook the girl. "Please," Nancy dragged out the e.

"Easy, Two words, Bob Ross." Maria smiled as she saw two guys walk by them.

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