17. He Ate What?

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DUSTIN paced around his room, Dart got out of his cage and he didn't know where he went

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DUSTIN paced around his room, Dart got out of his cage and he didn't know where he went. He knew he had to find someone to help, so he did.

"Ryan!" Dustin stromed in Ryan's room but didn't find him.

The front door closed, someone came home.

"Ryan!" Dustin called out. "Where were you?"

"Out putting missing posters for Mews," Ryan put the rest of the posters on the counter. "What are you doing?"

"Oh uh nothing, going to see Mike or Lucas." Dustin lied.

"It's a shame that Mews went missing, right Dustin?" Ryan looked at his brother, who was unresponsive, that's when he knew. "Dustin, where's Mews?"

"Well how would I know? I mean I was studying!" Dustin lied as he held up flashcards.

"For what, human anatomy?" Ryan put the flash cards down. "Nice try, now tell me the truth."

"Fine so I found a small demogorgon, demo-dog for short and I kept it here and then it grew and ate Mews and now Dart's gone." Dustin explained.

"You did what?!? Dustin are you insane? We have to find that thing right now." Ryan told Dustin.

"Yeah, that's why I was looking for you so you could stop focusing on Evelyn and help me." Dustin rolled his eyes as he left the house.

"That kid, I'm gonna kill him." Ryan mumbled.

"You love me too much to kill me Ryan, we all know that!" Dustin exclaimed from outside.

Ryan groaned as he opened the door.

"Where to?" Ryan asked.

"Wheelers," Dustin answered.

"Got it," Ryan held a thumbs up as he unlocked the doors to his car.


Evelyn heard the phone ringing and when she answered, she most currently wasn't expecting Michael Wheeler to be on the other end.

"Hello?" Evelyn spoke into the phone.

"Evelyn hey, is uh your dad there?" Mike asked.

"Uh no sorry, he's not here. Why, you need him or something?" Evelyn asked as she wrapped the cord around her finger.

"You know what, come here to the Byers we need help, over and out." Mike hung up the phone.

Evelyn hung the phone back on the wall.

"It's a phone not a supercom." Evelyn muttered as she grabbed her jacket, walkman, and left the house, heading towards the Byers which is just down the street so she took her bike instead.

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