11. The End Of The Demogorgon

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Evelyn and Ryan left the school along with Jonathan and Nancy but they made a quick stop to Ryan's house to get some items.

They went through the window.

"We can't do this alone, we need help." Evelyn told Ryan, who nodded.

"Relax, we got Nancy and Jonathan Ev, We'll be fine."Ryan told her.

"We better be," Evelyn loaded her gun.

They were now in the car, heading towards the Byers house.

"So, how do you feel?" Ryan asked Evelyn, who nodded.

"I feel like shit," Evelyn answered honestly.

Ryan laughed.

"Didn't think you would say that, but it's an honest answer." Ryan looked at Evelyn.

"Yeah well it's hard when you lose your mom and one of your friends in a week, I don't know what I would do if I lost someone else." Evelyn explained.

"You're not gonna lose any of us, I promise," Ryan looked into her eyes, which caused him to lose focus.

"Ryan!" Evelyn took control of the wheel and they crashed into a tree.

"My car." Ryan mumbled.

"Stay here." Evelyn told him, she was grabbed by Ryan. "Evelyn, you're not going out there alone."

"Ryan, I'll be fine." Evelyn told him.

"Let me come with you, you are not going alone." Ryan pleaded.

Evelyn and Ryan got out of the car and they headed to where the figure was standing.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Evelyn asked the figure which only roared in reply, Evelyn and Ryan looked at eachother they knew what it was.

"But none of us are bleeding." Ryan whispered very quietly to Evelyn as they hid behind the car.

"Ryan..." Evelyn trailed off as she pointed to his face, where he was cut.

"It'll be okay, we just need a plan." Ryan explained.

"Yeah, yeah." Evelyn told herself. "A plan,"

Evelyn made her once again that the gun was working but that was enough for the demogorgon to notice them.

"Run, run!" Ryan grabbed Evelyn's hand.

They followed Ryan's order and they ran. "Give me the gun!" Ryan told Evelyn, which she did.

Ryan began to run towards the demogorgon and began to shoot it, that only made the demogorgon more angry, the demogorgon slashed Ryan in the chest, he fell to the ground.

"Ryan!" Evelyn screamed.

Evelyn made her way towards and used the can and began to make a trap for the demogorgon, which was working till the demogorgon figured out what was happening and made it way out.

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