Chapter 16 - Darkening Hoards

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Whoops, saved this as a draft and forgot to post it.

TW - Graphic descriptions of violence, gore and injury


"Do you think he's around here somewhere?"
False paused, turning to look at her companions.

"Honestly, at this point I really doubt it," Wels sighed, walking a bit behind her.

"I'm sure he's somewhere near," Gem told them, forcing optimism into her voice. "C'mon, if we don't find him by 10 you can come to my place and have hot chocolate!" False cracked a grateful smile, Wels didn't.

"Should we just use torches?" She asked, squinting slightly in the ever-fading light. "Or we can drop by Boatem - I'm sure either Grian or Impulse have the villagers to get the ingredients for night vision."

Wels thought for a second, before reaching into his inventory. "Torches are quicker."

Gem shrugged in agreement, lighting hers on before dropping it with a slight squeak. False started sniggering, but Wels had the courtesy of trying to cover it with a cough.

"I didn't know it was going to be that bright!" she defended, flushing slightly. She picked it up, swinging the bright aura around her. Flecks of dust flew through the light, slightly obscuring their vision.

Gem swung it around the trees, pausing when she heard a twig snap.

"That either of you?" she asked cautiously, turning around to glance at them. They both shook their heads. Gem's heart sank, locking eyes with False. A familiar soft groaning could be heard from behind False; instantly she spun around, bow drawn.

A soft thud could be heard as it hit the ground, blood escaping the arrow wound nearly placed slightly to the left of its chest.

"Holy sh-" Wels exclaimed, before getting a pointed glance from False. "-gar," he corrected. "That was incredible!" False shrugged modestly. "I honestly forgot how good you are at pvp."

"Practice," she brushed off.

Gem was about to reply with some awestruck comment, before hearing another half-dead moan, this time sounding even closer.

Gem grabbed a slice of beef, forcing it down her throat, trying to ignore her shaking hand. Whether it was from cold or unease, she didn't know. She hadn't actually fought monsters a ton before, mostly sleeping through the night instead.

Wels' hand clenched tightly on his sword next to Gem, his breathing sped up as well. Gem glanced back at False, who'd automatically taken up a defensive position with her back to them.

"Annoying Zombies." She muttered under her breath, looking around with her torch still in the other hand. She was about to put her sword away, when she glimpsed shining iron in the distance. Her breath caught, pulling her sword as close to her chest as she could.

"There's a whole hoard of them over there!" False exclaimed, a hint of fear creeping into her voice.

"Can you take them?" Wels asked, turning around. He shifted position so that it was more of a triangle than the previous two-facing-one-way-one-facing-the-other formation that they'd adopted.

"Hope so," False answered, elbow poking out from withdrawing the arrow. "If not, then this'll be one hell of a ride." She let go of the arrow, a soft thud following soon after. This process repeated a few more times until the shining iron Gem had earlier glimpsed came fully into view, this time as an armoured zombie. Gem searched her inventory, panic rising as she realised she didn't have a long range weapon.

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