Chapter 33 - To say you returned empty handed would imply that you kept the hand

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The overworld's skies were cloudy. Gloomy, grey, dark. It wasn't raining, but the sun couldn't be seen shining through that barrier of gloom. It was ironic, sure, but the atmosphere made it seem less like a coincidence. Nothing was right – the world was starting to look wrong.

Beneath that cloudy sky, a group of people stood by waiting. Waiting for any news - for any indication of what happened, even bad news would be better than no news. Anything other than the quiet, gloomy tenseness that comes while they await the approaching storm.

The hermits who'd stayed chose to wait at spawn. Constantly checking their communicators for fear of fatalities or desperation for some form of update, but there hadn't been a message for the thirty minutes the group had gone to the end. So they stood, waiting under the gloom for their fellow hermits to reappear.

The wind blew harsh on their skins, anticipation brimming the air in a way not unlike how death does at a funeral.

They waited, and they waited, until finally there was some respite from the unknown.

"They're back!" The Hermits looked up as soon as False spoke, expressions of relief and hope flashing across their faces.

The first one to appear back was Mumbo, who barely landed on his feet as he was dropped back at spawn. After him, one by one, the others began to appear. The players drew close enough to see and count.

Then, the players stopped coming in. That was when they noticed, there were only seven of them that came back.
It was supposed to be nine.

Amongst the group that just returned, Tango walked forward first, seeming anxious, "Is everybody okay?"

It was obvious by that point that the group that just returned were incredibly tense. Looking over, some were even injured, like they just returned from combat. Thinking about it, they probably had.

"We're good!" Impulse replied quickly, eyes shifting between the ones that just arrived with unease. "What about you guys – what happened in the End?!"

The silence that overtook them for a few seconds spoke volumes, until finally XB stepped forwards.

"Trapped," xB informed them gravely, his words blunt, inelegant out of shock. "Dragon respawned, attacked us, and we had to fight it. It wasn't... right."

"And Iskall's- well, uh," Beef took over, but he too was hesitant to continue.

"They got him," Cleo finished.

Silence washed over the hermits at that.

"How? We didn't see any death messages in the chat – what did they do?" False asked in what should've been an angry tone, or sad, or something but the words just came out hollow.

"Must've rewired the portal, he fell first into it," Tango thought out loud, "They can do that."

Pearl pauses, trying to process the information that didn't quite make sense. "Then how did any of you guys get back? Surely you'd have been taken as well?"

Tango frowned, shaking his head. "I'm not sure. Their idea of mercy?"

It was another beat of silence, before someone else pointed out something else really, really alarming.

"Where's Wels?" Gem asks.

That evoked the others to look around.
"He-" Mumbo paled, shock coming over his face. It was only then that the people who returned and the people who stayed realized; Wels was not there with them in the overworld. "They probably got him when we were distracted. Oh God."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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