Chapter 24 - Time Consuming Diligence

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“Are all the preparations ready?”

Mhm. We’ve installed the corrupted code as the server’s backup code, thus if even the slightest manually caused error were to occur, ” A faint click. “Everything would go down in lockdown.

In the depths of the woods, far away from humanity, a plot was brewing, and it preached insanity. Holding up his watcher device to his head he drizzled random shapes into the to log of the tree, a distraction from his sizzling mind. 

“Nice, nice.” Grian murmured absentmindedly and fluently in galactic. “And has the ᔑℸ ̣ℸ ̣ᔑᓵꖌ division confirmed the army?”

They just did yesterday. ” SB answered from the speaker. More clicks were heard, along with an ominous vwoop. “150 ready, more coming along.

He read off the checklist of things in his mind. “And the other divisions? Have they done their assigned parts?”

Yep. Even if the lockdown doesn’t work, the  !¡𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ᔑꖎ ᒲᔑ⊣╎ᓵ division has surrounded the server with a manual barrier, so it’d still take quite a while to break through. We’ve also rigged up most of the void, and a decent amount of the other portals in addition.”

Hearing all this should’ve given him a bit of relief, or maybe dread, either of the two, but instead it was like white noise. “Okay, okay.”

What’s with the checkup? ” SB asked, words swirling into a more curious tone. “Not that I’m against you being more active in the mission, but like, I doubt this is just a random, spontaneous checkup.

“I’m rescheduling.” Grian forced himself to say, gritting his teeth to take away from the lodge in his throat. “We’re doing it in 4 days.”

Christ, really? That’s sooner than I anticipated. Okay.” The watcher on the other end stated in amused surprise, before the line went silent, safe for the clicks and tapping of a keyboard.

This gave Grian’s mind a chance to derail, going off to the ends of his brain, the thoughts he comberly tried to repress coming back up, the doubts that he would be able to do this. Even if he did, would he be able to live with it? Knowing he did it?

How are things holding up on your end?

He was caught a tad off guard by the question, and really, really, didn’t want to answer. “...”


“It’s- less than ideal, but not terrible.” He sighed, murmuring something not more than an excuse. “I just need you all to be ready in case of an emergency, okay?”


“It’s not that bad, really, just some complications-”

Grian.” SB cut off, not having any of this. “What happened this time?

“...” Biting his lip, he exhaled. “Fine, so you remember PearlescentMoon?”

The one from your old server? I already don’t like where this is going.”

“Well,” He mentally prepared himself, “She’s with the ꖎ╎ᓭℸ ̣ᒷリᒷ∷ᓭ.” He listened carefully after saying that, waiting for the words to process through SB’s mind.

And then all noise simultaneously ceased.

She’s with the what."

“Yeah.” Grian clicked, before hesitantly adding; “And she knows I’m a watcher.”

Spitting Lies 'Till Your Demise - Hermitcraft + MCYT AU - CollabWhere stories live. Discover now