New Feelings

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Lia's POV

I went to the meeting room to see all the SKZ Chairman's talking to each other including Mr.Lee. He then looked at me and told me to take a seat so I went to my spot and waited for others to join. After a while suddenly the door opened and I saw a pretty lady came in, who was non other that the famous CEO of EL Cosmetics and she took seat next to Mr.Lee. 'Weird' I thought cuz mostly Mr.Bang seats next to him. 

"Okay so Good Evening to all who are present here and let's get started, shall we?" Mr.Lee coldly said.

One by one I finally got my chance to present our companies project. Everyone was impressed by the idea, even Mr.Lee had a proud face after the presentation. But I saw how uncomfortable he was due to Ms.Ella. Well happy to say that our companies project got selected. After the meeting ended I went to my office and took some rest because I worked day and night for this presentation. 

Minho's POV

'Tbh, Lia is a different girl. I love the way she looked at Aria, I love how she smiled with her, I love-, What I'm I thinking.. Minho you already have a crazy girlfriend so stop it' I sighed and waited until the meeting ended. I can't help but glance over Lia, keeping my girlfriend next to me

Actually I was quite impressed with Lia's work, and her project got accepted from all of us including Ella. After the meeting ended I wanted to go and meet Lia but Ella came into my room.

"Hey babe, Congrats in the project" She started to cling onto my arms which I personally hate.

"Thanks  Ella, But you know that I hate when you do that" I pointed at my arms. She removed her hands when I said it.

"Sorry Ella, But I have work to do now! You better go" With that I left my office to meet Lia. I saw her in the office so I went in.

"Hey Ms.Choi, Can I talk to you?" I asked her.

"Yes Sir, Is there a problem?" She asked me nervously, cuz she must have seen me talking to other people just when I have to fire them.

"Well I wanted to ask you if you are free in this evening?" I asked her.

"Yes sir, I'm free" She said.

"Great then, I want to get to know you personally because Aria also like you a lot" 

"O-Oh O-Okay" She shuttered.

I chuckled and told her to meet me at 4pm at my office. With that I left to do some work.

Lia's POV

'WTF did just happened!?! Did he just asked me for a date or something? AHHHHHHHH whatever' I'm falling for him day by day and I can't help it.

It was 3:50 so I packed up my things and went to Mr.Lee's office.

"Yeah you came on time, Let's go" He said while took his things.

"But sir what will happen when the other's see us l-like this" I asked him while looking down.

"Don't worry about it" That's the only thing he said. And we went to the parking lot,  On the way there I saw many eyes on us. He opened the passengers door for me 'AWW What a Gentleman.. GOSH LIA STOP IT'  As we settled in he started to drive, I, for some reason didn't question where we were going. After about 30 min the car stopped and he went out and opened the door for me which made me feel butterflies. As I stepped out my jaw dropped while looking at the view.

 As I stepped out my jaw dropped while looking at the view

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(TMI: It's a Cafe in Seoul )


He chuckled and asked "U like it?" while looking at me who was stunned by the view of Seoul.

"YES.. I-I mean Yes Sir" Gosh it's embarrassing now, But surprisingly he smiled. 'oh his laugh, STOP IT LIA'

"You don't have to say Sir when we are outside the company, Call me Minho" He said while grabbing my hand.

"O-Okay Minho"

Minho's POV

'Woah my name from her voice is just like honey but I can't be close to her because I already have a crazy girlfriend who actually doesn't love Ari, but I think I will change it soon!.. With her' I got dragged into reality by Lia calling me.

"Hey.. Umm Minho, you there?" She waved her small hands to me.

"Oh Yeah sorry I got zoned out" I said while looking at our intertwined hands. "Let's go inside because I didn't bring you all the way here just to stand outside" Yup there goes my savage side.

We went inside and ordered a few things and waited until the orders come but I can't stop looking at her cuz she is like a magnet. Anyways, we talked and shared a lot of stuff as our food came.. Btw we both like cats and that's the most exciting part of it haha.. As the sky got dark I decided to bring her home.

"Thanks for today Minho.. I enjoyed the time a lot" She told me with a huge smile a cross her face.

"Yeah No problem.. If you want we can do it again" I said as I winked at her which made her blush so badly.

"W-well see you tomorrow" She nervously said and went inside. 'I still remember how she told our receptionist that I give Ari the love of her mom and dad both' I sighed and drove home.

I went home as soon as I dropped Lia because at my home there is another little angle waiting for me to come home.

At Home (Minho)

"Daddy" Aria came running to me.

"Hey Baby, how are you?" She asked my while snuggling into my neck.

"Good.. Did aunt Lia came today?" She asked me because every time we both are at home she only talks about Lia. I chuckled and said "Yes baby, she came and did a good job on work too"

"Oh She's so gooooodddd... Can we keep her daddy because aunt Lia is not like Ms.Ella.." She said while looking down.

"Baby But-" She cut me off. "Please daddy" I sighed and gave up because of those eyes.

"Daddy will promise my little princess that Aunt Lia will be in our life soon!" I said to her as I placed a kiss on her cheeks.

"YEAHHHHHH.... Thanks daddy"

"But you can't tell it to anyone, Okay?" I told her.

" Okayyyy" with  that I gave her to Mrs.Beth and went to take a shower.

To Be Continued...



Maniac Era comes to an end from today..⛓😭

 Boys really worked hard in this era too!! I'm so proud of them❤

Vote if you enjoy and see you in the next chapter...

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