The Meeting

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Minho's POV

The meeting was today and everyone was doing the final touches of the project. But something was missing, more like certain someone.

"Did Ms.Choi arrived yet?" I asked one of the team members. 

"No sir not yet" I sighed 'why is she late?' 

Author's POV

The boardroom hummed with tension as Minho, flanked by his CEO friends, prepared for the crucial project meeting. 

Lia, the team leader, was running late, and the gravity of the impending client presentation pressed upon him. 

Jeongin's call the night before urging Minho to postpone the meeting echoed in his mind, but Minho, driven by his determination, had dismissed the notion.

The door swung open, and Minho's gaze lifted, anticipating Lia's arrival but Yuna who was the receptionist intrude the meeting.

"Sir I'm really sorry to brag in like this bu-" Yuna was cut off by one of the team members. "Don't you know there's an important meeting proceeding here."

"I know but Mr.Lee Lia is in danger"  Minho only heard 'Lia and Danger' as he stood up from his seat. "What do you mean?" He questioned. Jeongin also tensed as everyone who heard it.

"Ms.Kim called me and said this will be the last hours of Ms.Choi" Yuna cried. Minho grabbed his phone and dialed Lia's number over and over again.

He cussed in frustration. "I'm really sorry about this but I'll have to stop the meeting." With that he rushed out of the room, his mind racing with worry for Lia.

"Minho, where are you going now?" Chan questioned.

"I'm going to search for her, I can't let anything happen to her hyung" Minho said. "Don't go alone. I'm coming with you" 

Few hours before

Lia's POV

Lia maneuvered through the traffic-choked streets, frustration mounting as she realized she would be late for the critical meeting. Little did she know the danger that lurked ahead.

As Lia approached a quiet intersection, her surroundings took on an eerie stillness. 

Unbeknownst to her, Ella's hired hands lurked in the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment.

 Suddenly, a car careened into Lia's path, its headlights blinding her. Panic surged through her as she swerved, desperately trying to avoid the collision.

The impact was inevitable. Metal against metal, screeching tires, and shattering glass filled the air. Lia's car spun out of control before coming to a jarring halt. 

Pain shot through her body as the world around her blurred. Shock and fear gripped her, realizing that this wasn't a mere accident but someone had intentionally caused the accident, driven by ill intentions.

With the surrounding being quiet Lia got stuck in a wreckage unable to move, battered and bruised. 

Yet she tried to reach her phone but her consciousness slipped away.


I had to go through the urban dictionary just to find some of the words here😂🙂

Well you should learn something new everyday right😅

Enjoy! ♡🦋

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