His Life

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Lia's POV

It's already Thursday and I got nervous about meeting Minho's parents tomorrow. I felt like this is too early as I still didn't even know about Minho except his role as the CEO and a little side of his father figure to Aria. Heck I didn't even knew about his past. 

Also did not tell him about what happened with Ella as he will do something which will cause us bigger problems.

That's when I started to get panic. I called Minho without even thinking. "Hey, are you okay? Why did you call me at this hour? Why aren't you asleep?" He boomeranged me with questions. That's when I realised it's almost 1am.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"Nahh I just finished working out so no you did not wake me up, but are you okay Lia?" He asked me.
"Y-yah it's just I'm a bit nervous for Tomorrow" I hesitantly said.
"Oh don't worry about it, They'll like you just like I do" He said which made me blush instantly.

"O-oh" That's only I could say. "Could we meet up?" I asked again.
"Now?" He asked. "Y-yeah. It's okay if you ca-" I was cut off.
"Sure. I'll come pick you up" He said. "Okay" And we hung up.I was still nervous around him but hope it's go away soon. 

I got ready as Minho pulled into my driveway

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I got ready as Minho pulled into my driveway. I came outside locking the door. "Hey" I said but got frozen as he leaned and peck me.

He chuckled looking at me. "Still not used to me huh" He said while smirking. 

"Y-yah you can't do that out of nowhere, at least give me a warning" I said.

He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Come on let's go"
"Where are we going?" I asked. "Well If I tell you that it's not gonna be a surprise you know" He said. 'seriously' I thought as we pulled into a driveway of a small house which was in a hill top. It was just one house to the whole area.

I looked at Minho as he came from the side to open my door.
We both walked to the door as Minho took the keys and unlocked it. "Where are we really?" I asked as I walked in.
There was nothing but just and empty living room which was small with a small kitchen and 2 bedrooms.
Minho lead the way as we got to a specific room and there was a small ladder to go up. 'An Attic perhaps' I thought.
Minho took the ladder to climb up and told me to climb as well.
As I climbed I was mesmerized by the view that I saw.

(I couldn't find the perfect image to put here as I described༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ let's just say it's something like this)

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(I couldn't find the perfect image to put here as I described༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ let's just say it's something like this)

"Wow" I was wonder struck by the view of the city from the hill. "It's amazing right, this is actually my comfort place" Minho said.

I looked at him as he was enjoying the view as well. "How did you find this place?" I asked as we both sat down.
"Well I found it when I was 18 years old. Ever since then I'm always here when I felt down" He said.

"Also what's bothering you other than meeting my parents tomorrow?" He looked at me.
"Umm... I-i now only realised that I don't know much about you or Aria, so" I said.
"You wanted to know more about us?" Minho asked.
"Well what do you wanna know?" He asked me again. "Tell me about Aria"

Author's POV

Minho sighed. "Well Aria is from my first marriage as you already know, ever since she came into my life, it's been nothing but fun" Minho smiled remembering the first time he held her in his arms.
"I always made sure that she got the best even before me, she is actually the reason I'm still here to be honest" Minho said while looking down.
"W-what do you mean Min?" Lia asked while grabbing Minho's hand.
Minho dryly chuckled. "There were countless times that I gave up on life due to different reasons"

"Aria was the one who gave me the spirit to go ahead, not even my parents were there for me" Minho added more. "Even her small laugh gave me energy."

"I don't know if it's okay to ask this but what happened to her mother?" Lia asked a question that Minho hated to talk about, but couldn't help because his lover needs to know about his past too.
"Well she left actually" That got Lia confused.

"When she found out she was pregnant she did numerous things to abort the baby but I was the one who shopped her but then later it got revealed that she was meeting another guy behind my back. So she and I had a deal after that" Minho paused.
"That after she gave birth to the baby she'll leave as she gives me the full custody of the baby" Minho said.

"S-so she just agreed to it like nothing?" Lia asked as she felt bad for Aria.
"She was a good digger to be honest, I thought I found the one and now I agree that I was just blinded by love" Minho said.

"Does Ari know this?" Lia asked as Minho shook his head.
"It must have been hard for you isn't it?" Lia asked as she leaned her head onto Minho's shoulder.

"It was but now I'm okay as I have you by my side" Lia smiled as she closed her eyes.
"So tell me about this place?" Lia asked further.
"This is my comfort place as I told you before, when I was dating Aria's mother I used to take her here"
"But I stopped coming here after everything went down" Minho said.
"Oh then is this the first time after many years you came here?" Lia asked.
Minho smiled and said "Nope, I started to come here again eversince the day I met you"
Lia looked at Minho as he said that.

Minho' POV

'damn she's so beautiful in this angle' I thought as I slowly leaned in and captured her soft lips with mine. It turned into a passionate kiss as I grabbed her thighs and took her in my laps.

"Well for tomorrow don't stress to much, you already know how my dad is and my mom is also a chill person so don't worry" I said while looking at her.

"Hope you are right Mr.Lee" she said.

I chuckled and said "I'm always right Future Mrs.Lee" 

We both talked more about our life as it was already 4am in the morning.

"Oh boy, we got to go" She said as she looked at the time. "Yeah let's go, both of us have to get to work as well" I said as we both got down and drove home.

'I'll have to do this more often with her'



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